October 2008
Speeqe – Trac
(via)Speeqe is a web based, group chat client that works with the XMPP/MUC protocol.
and open source since a couple of days.
August 2008
Projects/PunJab - Butterfat
(via)Punjab is a HTTP jabber client interface. It is a SOAP, XMLRPC, XEP-0025 or XEP-0124 server that allows persistent client connections to a jabber server. It can be used for many things, but its main purpose is to allow for stateless applications (ie web) a stateful connection to jabber.
let enter the BOSH era
July 2008
How to use ejabberd's pubsub module | ejabberd Community Site
Pubsub nodes are organized in a hierarchical tree, similar to a file system. mod_pubsub imposes a special structure on this tree. There is a special node, pubsub/nodes, that contains all other created nodes. Nodes of users have names like home/server/username/whatever. If you try to create a node whose name doesn't fit that pattern, you will get an error. If you don't specify a name (i.e. create an instant node), the server generates a name that fits this pattern
Some says that it's the future of feeds, at least server-to-server subscriptions.
January 2008
XMPP Instant Messaging
As noted above, if a connected resource does not request the roster during a session, it SHOULD never receive presence subscriptions and the associated roster pushes.
finally know why my bot was an epic failure.