public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from itsatrap with tags "2008 election" & "Hillary Clinton"

August 2007

Rudy Giuliani - Everything you hate about Bush, and worse

Giuliani is definitely the "Teflon Don" of the current presidential campaign, in that even as more and more evidence surfaces about how deeply right-wing his politics actually are, I still run across a baffling number of people who insist that they'd vote for him because of his socially liberal positions, or because he "cut taxes and stopped crime in NYC," or because he looked authoritative and in command on 9/11. Now, a lot of this is just pure mythos...

First-strike capability doesn t just describe Hillary s debate style

Let's dissect Clinton's pronouncement: "And I don't believe that any president should make any blanket statements with respect to the use or nonuse of nuclear weapons." The key words are "any" and "use." Senator Clinton seems to be declaring that, deterrence aside, she doesn't rule out preemptive use of nuclear weapons (presumably tactical, or low-yield). This policy was designed by the Pentagon with the blessings of the administration...

July 2007

Bumper stickers for the American plutocracy

It's where we're headed anyway... dynasty leadership. Mecenday has the goods.

Bob Novak reminds us how the economy works

Er, the D.C. economy, at any rate. From his latest exclusive newsletter: "[F]ew Americans know that a very small number of Washington-connected families negotiate, appropriate and benefit from large expenditures of taxpayer money on a small number of companies through the earmarking process." Another interesting bit from his latest is his take on the dust-up between Sens. Clinton & Obama at the recent Dem YouTube debate...

June 2007

Novak: Large number of Dem insiders believe Obama will be '08 nominee

Bob Novak writes in his take on the recent Dem/GOP debates that Sen. Hillary Clinton, whom Novak accidentally identifies as a Republican, "is slow-walking her way toward the nomination, which is often a path leading to defeat." Why defeat? Because Novak reveals that...