public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from itsatrap with tags "2008 election" & earmarks

04 August 2007

Guess who's a Ron Paul fan

It's the Prince of Darkness himself, Bob Novak. How could that be, when Novak has been pimping Fred Thompson for weeks? Well, acquaint yourself with Novak's weird sense of humor. Loathe as I am to link to the Washington Times, it's in their "Fishwrap" (snicker) blog that he is quoted as follows...

26 July 2007

Bob Novak reminds us how the economy works

Er, the D.C. economy, at any rate. From his latest exclusive newsletter: "[F]ew Americans know that a very small number of Washington-connected families negotiate, appropriate and benefit from large expenditures of taxpayer money on a small number of companies through the earmarking process." Another interesting bit from his latest is his take on the dust-up between Sens. Clinton & Obama at the recent Dem YouTube debate...