public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kuroyagi with tags mobile & local




Booyah - Frequently Asked Questions

"First, Check-in at real-world locations to unlock rewards. Then buy and own your favorite real-life places. During the day, you can collect rent when people Check-in to your shops. The more visitors that come to your stores, the more it raises your properties' total value. The more you Check-in, the faster you'll level-up to unlock more locations to buy and upgrade, and the higher you'll climb up the leaderboard rankings. "

【速報】 米国モバイル位置情報アプリはすでに7000種超!そのアプリ・トレンドを調査する:in the looop:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ



Mobile Location-Based Services on the Move - eMarketer

"eMarketer estimates there will be over 63 million location-based service users worldwide this year, and 486 million in 2012. "

パソコンと携帯電話の普及率トップは「北陸」、大都市圏を上回る・07年総務省調べ ビジネス-最新ニュース:IT-PLUS
