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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags are & diet

September 2009

Which Are the Best Weight Loss Products That Are All Natural

Today, there are a lot of diet pills that are said to be the best weight loss products and also claiming to be the most effective diet pills that were out in the market nowadays.

August 2009

Best Weight Loss Products

Weight loss products the majority of which are diet pills solve the obesity problem easily. One does not need to starve, eat unsavory food, stay on supplements or count calories. It is so much easier to take pills and drop extra pounds.

Cure Impotence With your Diet

You have been worrying about it all day long. Finally, another night passes and you are still facing the same problem… you suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction! Impotence plagues almost 30 million men… young and old!

May 2009

The Best Foods For Natural Weight Loss - Vox

When you are trying to lose weight, there are some foods that are more conducive to natural weight loss than others. Diet and nutrition are key to healthy weight loss, and, if neglected, can severely stall your efforts.

March 2009

Top Natural Weight Loss Products

With the hundreds of weight loss products in the market, it is challenging to choose the kind of weight loss technique that can help you lose weight successfully. Aside from diet fads, there are a lot of weight loss supplements from pharmaceutical companies that claim to be effective in losing weight.

The Truth about Alli Diet Pills

The Alli pills are an ingenious, yet simple diet pill that reduces the amount of fat that is absorbed by your body. Any excess fatty acids are expelled from the body, making sure that when you are on the Alli diet you actually start eating healthier and exercising. If you think this is one of the usual quick fix diet pills, then think again. If you

February 2009

“Healthy” American Diet

The average American eats a lot of fast food such as French fries, hamburgers, onion rings and drinks tons of soft drinks which are nothing but sugar and flavoring. In addition to that they eat a lot of snacks consisting of chips and crackers and deserts: candies, cookies, and ice-cream.

December 2008

5 Top Diet Tactics to Prevent Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain

Dinners, desserts, parties, meetings, errands…the season is full of hustle and bustle. Staying true to a healthy eating plan will be a huge challenge for most, so here are some tried and true methods to keep the holiday weight gain at bay.

October 2008

Spotting A Fake In Weight Loss Product

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, there is a good chance that you will start your own weight loss program. When many individuals start their own weight loss programs, they do so with the help of a number of weight loss products, like diet pills or exercise equipment .

How to Start a Natural Colon Cleansing Diet

Numerous ways are available for the cleaning of the colon with the help of a natural colon cleansing diet. To start with a natural colon cleansing diet is amongst the simplest.

September 2008

Burn Fat Fast With Green Tea and Exercise

As many of you know by now, green tea increases your body ability to burn fat. More precisely, it increases the oxidation of lipid metabolism. Many of the studies that confirm this are perform on subjects who did not make any changes to their diet and physical activity.

The Sonoma Diet - a Healthy and Delicious Way to Lose Weight

New weight loss diets appear on the market almost every week. Today, we are going to have a look at one of them - a diet popularized by Registered Dietician Connie Guttersen, PhD, in her hot bestseller The Sonoma Diet.

August 2008

Weight Loss Pills

With American obesity on the rise, there is an ever growing need for new weight loss aids to help with this epidemic. More now than ever we are looking to prescription weight loss medications and over the counter diet pills as a quick fix to make us healthier.

July 2008

Weight-Loss Herbal Supplements - Choose Wisely

Although a right diet and intense exercise are the corn-stones to losing weight, studies indicate that dietary supplements can play a significant, yet complementary role in helping us shed excess pounds.

April 2008

Leptin and Weight Loss Resistance

Unfortunately, our bodies are designed by nature to resist weight loss at all costs. Experienced dieters know this phenomenon very well - you go on a diet and, initially, feel absolutely euphoric - pounds melt quickly and your body feels great!

March 2008

Six Top Protein Choices for a Successful Diet

Protein-rich plant and animal foods (beans, nuts, seafood, meats, eggs, etc.) are very important for a healthful and successful weight-loss diet. Protein-containing dietary sources provide us with bodybuilding amino-acids that help the body repair muscles and other tissues.

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