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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags are & hair

November 2009

Natural Cures for Hair Loss

Depending on the time and place a person lives in, natural remedies are different. For centuries people were trying to figure out what works on hair in the best way bringing it health and preventing hair loss.

September 2009

Hair Loss Solution - 5 Effective Treatments To Consider

Although inescapable, hair loss can be prevented with proper care, solutions and treatment. A lot of treatments, topical or surgical, are out there for you to choose from.

The List of Drugs Which Provoke Hair Loss

Although prescription drugs are usually stronger and help better than over-the-counter medications, many of them have negative side-effects. A person that wants to get rid of pain or cure the disease does not usually pay much attention to the side-effects mentioned on the label till they show up.

July 2009

Why Many Are Finally Giving Up on Hair Loss Products

One of the first things you ll find most people who are losing their hair do is search high and low for that one product that will hopefully change things for the better.

Confused About Your Hair Loss Solution Choices?

If you are new to finding products to help you with your hair loss, you may be finding the information you encounter a bit confusing. It s really not to hard to know what will work for you.

Types of Medication That you Can Use to Prevent or Treat Hai

Even though hair loss isnt a life threatening problem, many people who are suffering the said condition can t help but get excited when a new hair loss medication is released on the market.

June 2009

Is Your Hair Loss Product Worth the Monthly Investment?

How much money are you planning on spending this year before you give up on regrowing your hair? I don t mean to sound pessimistic, but the statistics show that most losing hair will continue to lose it.

May 2009

Lose a Few Pounds Visually (Part 2)

When one needs to look thinner in just a few days, diets and exercising will not be good helpers. However, it is possible to look better for that important day. Besides posture and clothes, there are a few other tricks which help look slimmer, such as make-up, hair style, and accessories.

The Most Effective Hair Loss Tips Exposed

Are you looking for the best tips for hair loss? If so, make sure you read this article now to learn how you can stop the disorder for good. By reading this article, you will learn the best and most amazing solutions that you can put into good use today to start getting almost immediate improvement over your current alopecia condition.

Using Vitamins for Healthy Hair

Many people want their hair to grow faster because they are in a hurry to attend some special event. For example, prom or a wedding may be coming up next week, so you want your hair to grow at a much faster rate - at least until it reaches your shoulders.

5 Hair Loss Products For Men and Women Reviewed

Are there no genuine treatments that sufferers can turn to in a bid to treat the ravages of premature hair loss. Don t despare, Female hair loss and male pattern-type baldness can be treated successfully for most people nowadays. The medical term for hair loss is Alopecia.

April 2009

Hair Loss Remedies - How Do You Choose?

Hair Loss Remedies are big business, especially on the internet. However not all hair loss remedies are equal, and before you decide that it’s time to tackle your hair loss problem, you might like to think a little more about whether you need to seek out a hairloss remedy, and if so how.

March 2009

Laser Hair Removal For Men - Why Men Are Looking Into Hair R

By nature most men have a lot more body hair then women, and that used to be accepted by society as a symbol of their masculinity. However that has changed and more men are working hard to be well groomed from head to toe.

Common Causes for Women’s Hair Loss

It is believed that hair loss is strictly men’s problem. However, out of all the people that come across this trouble forty percent are women. It is a normal thing to see a balding man, but women have to hide their baldness because female hair loss is not as accepted by the society as male.

Can Hair Loss in Men Be a Sign of Heart Disease

Some men s hair loss may not be caused because of heredity but rather their cardiovascular system. You may be asking, quot;what are the signs of heart problems in men and can they be corrected before it is too late? quot; Here we will examine hair loss and heart conditions in men.

Healthy Hair Formula

In order to have healthy strong hair a person should consume certain nutritious products daily. It has been proved that hair depends on the balance of 4 vitamins and 4 minerals in one’s body. What are they?

February 2009

Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos - 4 Ingredients That Should Concern

Anti-Hair Loss Shampoos are specifically designed to increase the health of existing hair while reducing the rate of hair loss in both men and women.

January 2009

8 Known Facts That Cause Hair Loss in Women

Do you know what causes hair to fall out in women? The answer is just a click away, Everyday one struggles with losing hair. Approximately 100-150 strands of hair simply fall from constant brushing and manipulating. If you have long hair this can look as if you are molting tons of hair, and may cause you to go into a panic frenzy and ultimately loo

December 2008

Are You Stressed About Losing Hair?

Unfortunately, hair loss does not only ranges from thinning or balding hair, but these frightening hair loss issues tends to hit both the gender of women almost as often.

Hair Growth Products: What’s the Story With Propecia?

Hello again my congregation of beautiful balding men. So we meet again. Well to all those that read my last (and my first!) article, thank-you. For you new readers, sit back enjoy and hopefully learn something. Well we’re back talking about hair growth products, and today we are going to specifically talk about one product

November 2008

Battling Hair Loss in Men - Fighting With the Right Artiller

For guys, hair loss can prove to be an ugly topic, particularly for those who are inclined to be a bit vain with regards to their appearance. Let us face it, we are no Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, yet there exists a drop of vanity in each and everyone of us.

October 2008

Is Frequent Shampooing Associated with Hair Loss, Dry Scalp

There are many misconceptions surrounding the issue of proper hair care. One of them is that frequent hair shampooing can trigger the development of baldness, dry scalp and dandruff.

September 2008

Propecia As Hair Loss Medication

When men experience constant hair loss, he could assume that he will be balding any time soon. Hair loss in men seems to be common and natural. Yet, not all men can accept such fate especially if there are plenty of hair replacement methods that can be employed.

Natural Hair Restoration and the Causes of Hair Loss

If you are loosing your hair you should be aware that there are several possible reasons for hair loss. The first thing you should do is to attempt to identify the possible cause or causes and try to eliminate them.

How to Choose the Right Product to Treat Hair Loss

Since baldness is a widely spread condition, new hair loss products appear on the market almost daily. Most of their manufacturers claim that their concoctions are capable of rejuvenating hair follicles, restoring hair growth, and eliminating baldness.

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