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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags one & people

July 2009

Why Many Are Finally Giving Up on Hair Loss Products

One of the first things you ll find most people who are losing their hair do is search high and low for that one product that will hopefully change things for the better.

May 2009

Kremlin Diet

In various countries people fight extra weight using diets closest to their inner world. One of the most famous diets in Russia is Kremlin diet. It has been developed by a group of top doctors more than 30 years ago.

Regulating Blood Pressure Naturally With Vitamins

High blood pressure, which is also called hypertension, affects about one in three adults. Although there are many causes of hypertension, there are not necessarily any symptoms, with 30% of people having high blood pressure not knowing it.

March 2009

I'll Tell You Why People Smoke and How to Quit Smoking

Stopping smoking was probably one of the hardest things I have ever achieved in my life. That said it is also one thing in my life I can look on and think I m so glad I m a non-smoker . Smoking is fast becoming one of the most unsociable things a person can do.

January 2009

Home Remedies for Acne - How to Get Rid of Acne Real Fast

Depression, irritation, and frustration, all these words are always related to acne. Acne does not affect people physically but it affects psychologically as well. As soon as any one gets acne he/she wants to get rid of it.

December 2008

How To Remove Acne Without Harming Your Skin?

Acne is a very annoying problem and people all over the world spend more than millions in the hope to get clean and clear skin free from acne. Every day new acne treatment options are introduced and it becomes very difficult to decide which one will work well for you. There are lots of advertisements around about the acne products and treatments

Quitting Smoking and Weight Gain - Discover the Truth

What s one of the top concerns of people who want to quit smoking? Weight gain. Survey after survey of people who are smoking shows that one of the top reasons for not trying to quit is the fear of gaining weight. Now, at first glance, this sounds plausible

October 2008

Natural Remedy for Toe Nail Fungus Tips

Do you want a natural remedy for toe nail fungus? If you are one among the many who have toe nail fungus, you could be on the look out for an effective solution. Of course, there are effective artificial solutions but a lot of people would like to opt for a chemical free and side effect free solution that can only be provided by natural remedies.

High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer

According to recent estimates, approximately one in three U.S. adults suffer from high blood pressure. However, because the symptoms are not obvious, nearly one-third of the people who have high blood pressure don t know it.

High Blood Pressure? Look Before You Eat!

One of the most common ailments affecting not just Americans but people across the world is high blood pressure or hypertension. Sometimes referred by the medical community as HBP, one of the primary causes of this distressing ailment is wrong dietary habit.

September 2008

Research Confirms that Life-Long Nicotine Addiction Can Resu

According to a new Canadian study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, some people can develop a full-blown tobacco addiction after smoking just one cigarette, while others can be discouraged from further smoking after their initial exposure to tobacco fumes.

Cold Sore Medications - Which One Is Right For You?

It is estimated that over 80% of the general population has been infected with the herpes simplex virus. Of that total, about one third of these people will develop and get a cold sore. What can they do to treat it? What are the options?

August 2008

Apple iPhone 3G : Amazing Mobile With Exceptional Features

The new Apple iPhone 3G has captured the imagination of people like never before. It can be said with certainty that this new device is one of the hottest devices due to its beautiful and unique user interface.

How Could a GPS Vehicle Tracking Device Automatically Preven

Using a tracking device on a car used to be a way to find it if it were stolen. But now this is just one small use a tracking device has. There are now many reasons people have for installing tracking devices. They are used by the police, by private investigators, and also by parents, (this has been a fast growing trend).

April 2008

Apple Enhances Revolutionary iPhone with Software Update

Apple® announced a free software update for its revolutionary iPhone™ that allows users to automatically find their location using the redesigned Maps application*; text message multiple people in one message; create Web Clips for their favorite websites; customize their home screen; and watch movies rented from the new iTunes® Movie Rentals right on their iPhone.

HUMMER H3 was Created of Loosing Lottery Tickets

Every driver knows how quickly the prices for duel are rising. That is the reason of increasing popularity of fuel efficient cars. HUMMER is known as one of the most gas-guzzling cars but despite this fact for many people it is a real dream that come true.

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