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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags one & tips

November 2008

Top 10 Used iPhone Buying Tips - We Cover 16g, 8gb and 4gb U

Long before you put your money into a used iPhone for sale; make certain the provider of the Phone has a decent return policy, and one that preferably supplies you with a cash back option. Upon the receipt of the used iPhone, inspect the item carefully for exterior damage and interior water damage

October 2008

Natural Remedy for Toe Nail Fungus Tips

Do you want a natural remedy for toe nail fungus? If you are one among the many who have toe nail fungus, you could be on the look out for an effective solution. Of course, there are effective artificial solutions but a lot of people would like to opt for a chemical free and side effect free solution that can only be provided by natural remedies.

September 2008

Four Tips For Beating Springtime Allergies

Every year starting as early as February and lasting well into the summer, many asthmatics seem to get one of those quot;springtime colds quot; that lasts for weeks and never seems to go away.

December 2007

Training The Memory - Doing Two Or More Things At One Time

Although you can do certain things at the same time, there are certain tasks that will pose a challenge, but studies have shown that we can ultimately overcome this with practice.

September 2007

Professional car wash by your own? Not a problem any more

Washing car by your own can be very funny pastime, everything depends on the way one can organize it. Besides, it is real saving of money.The neglecting of the exterior appearance is vivid from the first sight. The tips written here aim to help you becoming a professional in the field of car washing.

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