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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags dev & google


Web Application Exploits and Defenses

by 2 others (via)
# Learn how hackers find security vulnerabilities! # Learn how hackers exploit web applications! # Learn how to stop them!

python-twitter - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 1 other (via)
This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API.


Reacting to Wave Conversations and Inserting Wave Gadgets with a Wave Robot - O'Reilly Answers

If you want to create a Google Wave Robot that listens for changes to a Wave and inserts a Google Gadget, this post is an attempt to share that knowledge.

Why Google AppEngine sucks : Svarychevski Michail Aleksandrovich

his article is about some Google AppEngine problems (or peculiarities) which might not be obvious for newcomers.

noop - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 1 other (via)
Noop (pronounced noh-awp, like the machine instruction) is a new language experiment that attempts to blend the best lessons of languages old and new, while syntactically encouraging industry best-practices and discouraging the worst offenses. Noop is initially targeted to run on the Java Virtual Machine


chromium - Google Code

Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome.

ratproxy - Google Code

by 6 others (via)
A semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool, optimized for an accurate and sensitive detection, and automatic annotation, of potential problems and security-relevant design patterns based on the observation of existing, user-initiated traffic in complex web 2.0 environments.

Google Doctype - Google Code

by 5 others (via)
Google Doctype is an open encyclopedia and reference library. Written by web developers, for web developers. It includes articles on web security, JavaScript DOM manipulation, CSS tips and tricks, and more. The reference section includes a growing library of test cases for checking cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility. Google Doctype is 100% open. * Open source * Open content * Open to contributions from anyone

Google App Engine - Google Code

by 3 others (via)
Google App Engine enables you to build web applications on the same scalable systems that power Google applications.

Google AJAX Language API - Google Code

by 2 others (via)
With the AJAX Language API, you can translate and detect the language of blocks of text within a webpage using only Javascript.

gosu - Google Code

by 1 other
Gosu is a 2D game development library for the Ruby and C programming languages, available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.


Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » Google as a password cracker

by 3 others (via)
Google is acting as a hash pre-image finder, and more importantly finding hashes of things that people have hashed before. Google is doing what it does best — storing large databases and searching them.

OpenSocial - Google Code

by 6 others (via)
OpenSocial provides a common set of APIs for social applications across multiple websites. With standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps that access a social network's friends and update feeds.

GWT Designer from Instantiations

by 1 other (via)
GWT Designer™ is a GUI creator that supports GWT. Use GWT Designer's visual tools and wizards, and Java code will be generated for you. You don't need to write any lines of Java code, but you can fully edit the resulting Java if you wish.

Tutoriel : Premiers pas avec le Google Widget Toolkit

Le moteur de recherche a dessiné cette infrastructure pour le développement d'applications Internet riches. Présentation de son architecture, et décryptage de ses avantages et inconvénients.


Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language

by 56 others (via)
You write your front end in the Java programming language, and the GWT compiler converts your Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.

Google Code Search

by 26 others
Moteur de recherche de code sources

Ben Ramsey » Blog Archive » Project Hosting on Google Code

Google Code is similar to Sourceforge, but it’s done the Google way.

Google Groups: Google Maps API

Discuss the Google Maps API, which lets developers embed Google Maps in their own web pages with JavaScript.

Google Maps API

by 20 others
The Google Maps API lets you embed Google Maps in your own web pages with JavaScript. You can add overlays to the map (including markers and polylines) and display shadowed "info windows" just like Google Maps.

Main Page - GoogleMapki

by 3 others
This is meant to be a forum for sharing ideas, implementations, and help for the Google Maps API ( Any user can add to or edit any of the pages on the site, just like any wiki site.


influx - Des blogs consacrés à Google Maps et Google Earth

Sur le blog officiel dédié aux API Google Maps créé mi-movembre, le blogroll pointe sur d'autres blogs (non officiels) consacrés à Google Maps (maitenant Google Local) et Google Earth. Ainsi, on (re)découvre : -Google Sightseeing ou comment faire du tourisme aérien via Google Maps et Google Earth -Google Maps Mania, consacré aux ressources web et outils relatifs à Google Maps et notamment les innombrables "Mashup", à savoir les interfaces qui mixent Google Maps avec une autre application (pour suivre une course de voiliers, suivre la météo, localiser des réseaux de train sur une carte...) - Google Earth Blog D'autres blogs existent : - Google Globe Trotting et Sightseeing with Google collectent eux-aussi les photos aéreinens de sites remarquables. De mon côté, j'avais déjà parlé de Google Earth Community, forum dédié à Google Earth ainsi que de Google Earth Hacks. Les ressources et outils relatifs à Google Maps et Google Earth sont donc très nombreux (même au Japon). (voir les liens de Eric Baillargeon et A Collection of Map Hacking Goodies )