public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sledge with tags javascript & wiki

11 July 2005

GTDTiddlyWiki - all your tasks are belong to you

by 27 others (via)
GTD Tiddly Wiki is a GettingThingsDone adaptation by NathanBowers of JeremyRuston's Open Source TiddlyWiki. The purpose of GTD Tiddly Wiki is to give users a single repository for their GTD lists and support materials so they can create/edit lists, and then print directly to 3x5 cards for use with the HipsterPDA.

15 June 2005

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

by 85 others
TiddlyWiki est un wiki qui fonctionne par lui même sans serveur par modification via javascript de son propre contenu.

sledge's TAGS related to tag javascript

ajax +   algo +   application +   css +   dev +   dom +   dragdrop +   dtd +   interface +   jabber +   lib:prototype +   library +   non-flash +   optimisation +   php +   ressource +   spellcheck +   tutorial +   unit testing +   usabilité +   validation +   web +   wiki +