01 April 2009
Implementing RPC for JavaScript using Ajax and Java code
This article shows how to implement a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for Web applications that use JavaScript on both servers and clients. You'll also learn several interesting techniques, such as implementing Java interfaces with JavaScript, building an XMLHttpRequest wrapper, making Ajax debugging easier, and using JSP tag files to generate JavaScript code.
11 March 2009
The clear advantages of XQuery over PHP and JSP
Like Structured Query Language (SQL), XQuery is a lookup specification tied to the XML standard. Using XML as the model and XQuery as the view is a powerful way to provide a language-agnostic solution while still retaining the benefits of using the MVC pattern. In this article, explore the advantages of XQuery over other view technologies (PHP, JSP), how XQuery is implemented in the presentation layer, and a realistic example of such an implementation.
(2 marks)