public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tags js & css


Scroll-driven Animations

Scroll-driven Animations A bunch of demos and tools to show off Scroll-driven Animations



The State of Front-End Tooling 2016 - Results - - Blog and Portfolio for Ashley Nolan

About a month ago, I put out the 2016 Front-End Tooling Survey. The response has been phenomenal – to date, 4,715 developers have taken the time to fill it in. Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to do so.

jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellipsis for multiple line content.

jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellipsis for multiple line content.

Convert Css to React Style JSON by staxmanade

This simple little tool is intended to help translate plain CSS into the React in-line style specific JSON representation.


SmartUnderline works by searching your page for links which have a CSS underline applied with text-decoration, and replaces the text-decoration with a smarter line drawn in such a way that it gets cleared by the descenders—glyphs such as “g”, “j”, and others—creating more readable and beautiful links.



Flickity makes galleries, sliders, & carousels that feel lively and effortless.

Aerotwist - FLIP Your Animations

I’ve come to love FLIP as a way of thinking about animations, because it’s a good match of JavaScript and CSS. Calculate in JavaScript, but let CSS handle the animations for you. You don’t have to use CSS to do the animations, though, you could just as easily use the Web Animations API or JavaScript itself, whatever’s easiest. The main point is that you’re reducing the per-frame complexity and cost (which normally means transform and opacity) to try and give the user the best possible experience.


gromo/jquery.scrollbar · GitHub

Cross-browser CSS customizable scrollbar with advanced features: Easy to implement No fixed height or width Responsive design support CSS customizable Standard scroll behavior Vertical, horizontal or both scrollbars Automatically reinitialize scrollbar External scrollbars support Browser support: IE7+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari jQuery Scrollbar as Angular.JS directive Textarea scrollbar

Polyfill service

The polyfill service selectively bundles browser polyfills based on the User-Agent header supplied in a request, with the intention of allowing JavaScript and CSS developers to use modern standards in legacy user agents that do not natively support the standard.

Timesheet.js - Open time tables with HTML, JavaScript and CSS …

Visualize your data and events with sexy HTML5 and CSS3. Create simple time sheets with sneaky JavaScript. Style them with CSS and have mobile fun as well …


edankwan/PerspectiveTransform.js · GitHub

This is an extremely useful class for advanced CSS 3d animation. You can set the x, y point of the corners of a DOM element and do need to think about the complicated Matrix formula behind it.


Debug Javascript right in the Sublime Text editor

paulirish/matchMedia.js · GitHub

test whether a CSS media type or media query applies



by 1 other
Adobe® Photoshop® has a variety of helpful blend modes for compositing images from multiple RGBA layers. This small library provides the same functionality for HTML Canvas Contexts, with the goal of producing the same results as Photoshop.

Prefix free: Break free from CSS vendor prefix hell!

by 2 others
-prefix-free lets you use only unprefixed CSS properties everywhere. It works behind the scenes, adding the current browser’s prefix to any CSS code, only when it’s needed.

HTML5 Please

by 6 others
Look up HTML5 features, know if they are ready for use, and if so find out how you should use them – with polyfills, fallbacks or as they are

2011 — emulation of {display: table/table-row/table-cell} for Internet Explorer 6/7 (IE6, IE7) library is intended to emulate CSS properties of display: table* family in Internet Explorer 6 and 7 since they do not have its native support. The library is intended solely for IE6/IE7 and disables itself automatically in IE8 and higher. The emulation is implemented in JavaScript and works by generating real HTML table, which automatically replaces source element intended to behave as table.

Code Standards | Isobar

by 1 other
This document outlines our de-facto code standards. The primary motivation is two- fold: 1) code consistency and 2) best practices. By maintaining consistency in coding styles and conventions, we can ease the burden of legacy code maintenance, and mitigate risk of breakage in the future. By adhering to best practices, we ensure optimized page loading, performance and maintainable code.


3+ Ways to Preload Images Using CSS, JavaScript, or Ajax • Perishable Press

by 1 other
Preloading images is a great way to improve the user experience. When images are preloaded in the browser, the visitor can surf around your site and enjoy extremely faster loading times. This is especially beneficial for photo galleries and other image-heavy sites where you want to deliver the goods as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Preloading images definitely helps users without broadband enjoy a better experience when viewing your content. In this article, we’ll explore three different preloading techniques to enhance the performance and usability of your site.

Fighting the @font-face FOUT « Paul Irish

by 4 others
FOUT is what I'm calling the flash of unstyled text that you get while using @font-face in Firefox and Opera.