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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags "ArtistX livecd" & "livecd linux"

29 July 2008 08:45

Index of /mirrors/artistx

Icon Name Last modified Size Description[DIR] Parent Directory - [ ] LICENSE 24-Oct-2007 17:44 18K [ ] SOURCES 24-Oct-2007 17:44 249 [ ] artistx_0.4_gnome_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso 16-Nov-2007 18:55 3.1G [ ] artistx_0.4_gnome_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso.md5 16-Nov-2007 18:55 80 [ ] artistx_0.4_kde_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso 16-Nov-2007 18:59 3.0G [ ] artistx_0.4_kde_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso.md5 16-Nov-2007 18:59 78 [ ] artistx_0.5_kde_live_dvd_iso_06_05_2008.iso 06-Jun-2008 08:24 2.5G [ ] artistx_0.5_kde_live_dvd_iso_06_05_2008.iso.md5sum 10-Jun-2008 00:52 79

29 July 2008 08:15

ArtistX - eXtra ordinary art tools - Install on hard disk

STEP 1: INSTALL THE DEBIAN UNIVERSAL OPERATING SYSTEM First of all shrink your Windows partition to make room for the new system. There is a tutorial at Howtoforge but take in consideration the possibility of dedicating a whole new hard disk to your GNU/Linux installation especially if you are new to this kind of systems. Now you need to download from here the Net Installation CD image (as of the moment I'm writing is called debian-40r1-i386-netinst.iso) and now you can burn the cd from this .iso image. Once you have your cd ready you need to boot your pc from this cd and once you have booted from CD you can see the first sceen with the boot: prompt. If you want to install installation in graphical mode you need to write “installgui” you can see this in the following screen and after that, jusy press your “Enter” key.

29 July 2008 07:30

ArtistX - eXtra ordinary art tools

by 1 other (via)
ArtistX is a free live GNU/Linux DVD which turns a common computer into a full multimedia production studio. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux and contains nearly all the available free audio, 2D and 3D graphics, and video software for the GNU/Linux computing platform. It doesn't need to be installed, and boots directly into a running system without touching hard drives. The files produced with ArtistX can be easily stored on USB devices or CD/DVD medium while it is running. If you want to install it please take a look to our documentation to the ArtistX Installation Manual (Live DVD section).