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Archives Browse ftp archive snapshots from one of the following archives: * * debian * debian-archive * debian-ports * debian-security * debian-volatile Packages Search in the index: * 2 * 3 * 4 * 6 * 8 * 9 * C * W * X * a * b * c * d * e * f * g * h * i * j * k * l * lib- * lib3 * liba * libb * libc * libd * libe * libf * libg * libh * libi * libj * libk * libl * libm * libn * libo * libp * libq * libr * libs * libt * libu * libv * libw * libx * liby * libz * m * n * o * p * q * r * s * t * u * v * w * x * y * z Or enter a source package name directly: The snapshot archive is a wayback machine that allows access to old packages based on dates and version numbers. It consists of all past and current packages the Debian archive provides. The ability to install packages and view sourcecode from any given date in the past is very helpful for developers who try to fix regressions. Users frequently need an older version of the software in order to make a particular application run. The Debian Project wants to thank Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UBC Electrical and Computer Engineering and Nordic Gaming for providing hardware and hosting for this service. News

Ubuntex: Tenha o mais novo Gimp na ponta dos dedos!

Tenha o mais novo Gimp na ponta dos dedos! Como todos devem saber, o Gimp não fará parte da instalação padrão do Ubuntu a partir da versão 10.04 LTS, apesar de ele ainda estar disponível nos repositórios. Mas, que tal ter a mais recente versão do Gimp, que permite combinar as três janelas do programa numa só -- uma feature pedida há muito tempo pelos seus usuários. Para instalar Acrescente o repositório PPA com o comando: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn Em seguida, atualize a lista de fontes de software e o Gimp: sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade Para ver como o Gimp fica com sua nova interface, vá até o menu Windows, opção Single-window mode. Postado por João Santana em Terça-feira, Março 16, 2010 Marcadores: dicas, karmic, lucid, tutoriais, ubuntu


How to upgrade to KDE 4.3.1 | Silicon Gadget

How to upgrade to KDE 4.3.1 This is a very short and very narrowed guide, but I am sure some of you may still find it very interesting. Today we are going to upgrade KDE to the new version 4.3.1 on Kubuntu. KDE 4.3.1 has been released yesterday and it is a Service Release of the 4.3 series that brings many bug fixes, performance improvements and translation updates. For stability reasons the Kubuntu standard repositories do not offer the update, so you have to add a third party repository.

Repositories/Ubuntu - Community Ubuntu Documentation

Other Links * Managing Software Repositories from the Command Line * Managing Software Repositories in Dapper Drake * Managing Software Repositories in Kubuntu * Adding extra repositories * Chapter 2 of the Ubuntu Desktop Guide, Adding, Removing and Updating Applications * The Debian Apt User Manual * man pages o sources.list * AptGet/Offline/Repository * Personal repositories * Launchpad - Installing Software from a PPA

Repositories/Ubuntu - Community Ubuntu Documentation

Exploring the Repositories There are several gui-based methods you can use to explore the repositories. One is to open Synaptic and click on the Origin button. This will display a repository list in the window above the button. The list will contain all the repositories enabled in your sources.list. To the right will be the packages available via download (white boxes) and currently installed packages (green boxes). There are two images of the main Synaptic page below. The first, on the left, shows the results of selecting local/main. Local packages are packages stored on the user's computer. The second example, on the right, displays the results of selecting the Ubuntu main online repository.

Installing Mozilla's Firefox on Ubuntu

by 3 others (via)
Installing Mozilla's Firefox on Ubuntu Why would you want to install the Mozilla version of Firefox? Copy and paste terminal commands Notes Commands to remove Mozilla's version Use a script to automate the commands Why would you want to install the Mozilla version of Firefox? There's usually no reason anyone would have to install the Mozilla version of Firefox. The Ubuntu repositories version receives security updates and is integrated with the filesystem. If you use the Mozilla version, you'll have to integrate it with the filesystem so that it launches properly and uses the right multimedia plugins, and you'll also have to do manual security updates. / Repositórios Medibuntu para o Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope

Repositórios Medibuntu para o Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope - por ubuntued há 30 dias Medibuntu é um repositório que tem pacotes que não podem vir com Ubuntu por razões legais. Em alguns países não é possível, legalmente, incluir esses pacotes e, por isso, o Ubuntu não os traz. Assim torna-se uma necessidade adicionar este repositório para ter acesso a pacotes que possibilitam a leitura de ficheiros de música e vídeo, ou mesmo de programas não Open Source, mas livres de utilização, nomeadamente o Google Earth ou o Acrobat Reader.

Instale o VLC 1.0 RC no Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope! | Ubuntued

Mai 24 2009 Instale o VLC 1.0 RC no Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope! * Autor: Cláudio Novais em Programas * 4 Comment vlc - icone O leitor de multimédia mais popular do mundo está na recta final do desenvolvimento da primeira versão assumida como estável. E, como adepto que sou do VLC, não deixo passar este marco, escrevendo este artigo que explica como obter esta versão (Release Candidate) e como preparar o seu Ubuntu para receber a versão final logo que esta seja disponibilizada.

Repositórios Medibuntu para o Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope | Ubuntued

2009 Repositórios Medibuntu para o Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope * Autor: Cláudio Novais em Dicas * 14 Comment medibuntu Medibuntu é um repositório que tem pacotes que não podem vir com Ubuntu por razões legais. Em alguns países não é possível, legalmente, incluir esses pacotes e, por isso, o Ubuntu não os traz. Assim torna-se uma necessidade adicionar este repositório para ter acesso a pacotes que possibilitam a leitura de ficheiros de música e vídeo, ou mesmo de programas não Open Source, mas livres de utilização, nomeadamente o Google Earth ou o Acrobat Reader.

Ubuntu -- List of sections in "intrepid"

List of sections in "intrepid" Administration Utilities Utilities to administer system resources, manage user accounts, etc. Base Utilities Basic needed utilities of every Debian system. Communication Programs Software to use your modem in the old fashioned style. debian-installer udeb packages Special packages for building customized debian-installer variants. Do not install them on a normal system! Development Development utilities, compilers, development environments, libraries, etc. Documentation FAQs, HOWTOs and other documents trying to explain everything related to Debian, and software needed to browse documentation (man, info, etc). Editors Software to edit files. Programming environments. Electronics Electronics utilities. Embedded software Software suitable for use in embedded applications. Games Programs to spend a nice time with after all this setting up. GNOME The GNOME desktop environment, a powerful, easy to use set of integrated applications. Graphics Editors, viewers, converters... Everything to become an artist. Ham Radio Software for ham radio. Interpreters All kind of interpreters for interpreted languages. Macro processors. KDE The K Desktop Environment, a powerful, easy to use set of integrated applications. Library development Libraries necessary for developers to write programs that use them. Libraries Libraries to make other programs work. They provide special features to developers. Mail Programs to route, read, and compose E-mail messages. Mathematics Math software. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous utilities that didn't fit well anywhere else. Network Daemons and clients to connect your Debian GNU/Linux system to the world. Newsgroups Software to access Usenet, to set up news servers, etc. Old Libraries Old versions of libraries, kept for backward compatibility with old applications. Other OS's and file systems Software to run programs compiled for other operating system, and to use their filesystems. Perl Everything about Perl, an interpreted scripting language. Python Everything about Python, an interpreted, interactive object oriented language. Science Basic tools for scientific work Shells Command shells. Friendly user interfaces for beginners. Sound Utilities to deal with sound: mixers, players, recorders, CD players, etc. TeX The famous typesetting software and related programs. Text Processing Utilities to format and print text documents. Translations Translation packages and language support meta packages. Utilities Utilities for file/disk manipulation, backup and archive tools, system monitoring, input systems, etc. Virtual packages Virtual packages. Web Software Web servers, browsers, proxies, download tools etc. X Window System software X servers, libraries, fonts, window managers, terminal emulators and many related applications. All packages (compact compressed textlist)

Package Repositories | Puppy Linux

Downloads » Software » Package Repositories Puppy Linux has its own package manager for automatically adding software (pet packages) from the repositories. The official repositories are shown as links in the official downloads page. Note that the pet_package folders are numbered this way: * pupget_packages-1/ = packages for version 2.13 or earlier (note that the name extension is .tar.gz - you can rename this to .pet and use it in newer Puppy releases, however, there is no certainty of success there); * pet_packages-2/ = packages for version 2.14 - 2.17; * pet_packages-3/ = packages for version 3.x; * pet_packages-4/ = packages for version 4.x. Note that there is a major change in software libraries in version 4, so earlier packages may not work in version 4. To find other software packages (PET is Puppy's package format), try these links: * Puppy Linux Search Page (compliments of peppyy); *, login with user "puppy" password "linux" (compliments of MU [click here for MU's recommended links]); * (compliments of Caneri); he also maintains Disclaimer: Please be aware that the majority of additional software for Puppy, otherwise known as 'Pets', linked to from this site are not 'official' and although Barry Kauler, the creator of Puppy Linux, does encourage them, neither he, nor the Pet's authors, can accept responsibility for any misfortune that may result from their use and are offered without warranty of merchantability. However, all Pets that come under the 'pet-packages' category are released by Barry Kauler and come under his disclaimer which can be accessed from his website. The administrators of servers hosting additional Puppy software do actively strive to ensure the authenticity and reliability of community contributions but ultimately they cannot make any guarantees. Therefore you are advised to use the Pets available through this site at your own risk. * Login or register to post comment

How to install Scribus on Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux Distributions |

How to install Scribus on Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux Distributions Wed, 05/21/2008 - 00:25 — malex Introduction This document is about using Scribus Team repositories to obtain up-to-date Scribus packages for Debian GNU/Linux (unstable/testing/stable also known as sid/squeeze/lenny) and on Ubuntu (Intrepid/Hardy/Gutsy). We have two identical repositories ( and that provide bandwidth redundancy and failover capabilithary, so you can use either one or both of them. Instructions are the same whether you run a 32-bit or a 64-bit distribution.


Index of /repository/cassandra

Parent Directory - [ ] Packages.gz 29-Jun-2007 15:21 5.3K [ ] alien-arena-data_6.0..> 22-Jun-2007 15:02 209M [ ] alien-arena_6.05-0ub..> 22-Jun-2007 14:48 638K [ ] deluge-torrent_0.5.0..> 13-May-2007 22:11 1.5M [ ] envy_0.9.5-0ubuntu2_..> 18-Jun-2007 13:29 401K [ ] floola_0.52_i386.deb 18-Jun-2007 13:30 4.4M [ ] frostwire_4.13.1-7_i..> 09-Jun-2007 19:15 6.8M [ ] kompozer_0.7.7-0ubun..> 13-May-2007 22:11 8.6M [ ] mintconfig_2.0_i386.deb 01-May-2007 01:22 18K [ ] mintdesktop_1.4_i386..> 08-May-2007 16:32 282K [ ] mintinstall-kde_1.0_..> 17-Jun-2007 16:46 9.9K [ ] mintinstall-kde_1.1_..> 22-Jun-2007 14:49 10K [ ] mintinstall_2.0_i386..> 08-Jun-2007 00:30 11K [ ] mintinstall_2.1_i386..> 11-Jun-2007 00:51 11K [ ] mintinstall_2.2_i386..> 11-Jun-2007 01:04 11K [ ] mintinstall_2.3_i386..> 22-Jun-2007 14:49 11K [ ] mintinstall_2.4_i386..> 29-Jun-2007 15:21 14K [ ] mintmenu_2.2_i386.deb 15-May-2007 22:00 52K [ ] mintmenu_2.3_i386.deb 09-Jun-2007 18:48 56K [ ] picasa_2.2.2820-5_i3..> 16-May-2007 17:39 21M [ ] pidgin_2.0.0-0ubuntu..> 15-May-2007 11:24 7.3M [ ] realplay_10.0.8-0ubu..> 09-Jun-2007 19:18 6.0M [ ] songbird_0.2.5.1_i38..> 18-Jun-2007 13:31 11M [ ] sunbird-mint_0.6a1_i..> 24-May-2007 00:44 8.3M [ ] tastymenu_0.8.2_i386..> 17-Jun-2007 14:26 331K [ ] usplash-theme-cassan..> 25-May-2007 20:41 68K [ ] winff-0.29-gtk.i386.deb 18-Jun-2007 01:05 1.2M [ ] xchat-gnome-common_0..> 08-May-2007 00:55 1.1M [ ] xchat-gnome_0.16-1li..> 08-May-2007 00:55 305K

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