public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags sun & jre

July 2009

Java SE Desktop Overview

Java SE Desktop Overview Desktop Java technologies can be used to create rich client applications and applets that are fast, secure, and portable. This page introduces all of these technologies. Most of the technologies are included as part of Java SE (also known as the JRE, or Java Runtime Environment), which is pre-installed on over 90% of all desktop systems on a wide range of operating systems. Other Desktop Java technologies are available as either separate downloadable Java extensions, or as open source projects on Finally, the Netbeans IDE with its integrated GUI builder brings everything together, allowing you to easily build your desktop application.

OpenJDK: Download and install

How to download and install prebuilt OpenJDK packages Ubuntu logo On Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), do one of the following: * On the Gnome desktop (Ubuntu): o In the main desktop menu, choose "Add/Remove ..." o In the "Show" toggle box, select "All Open Source Applications" o Search for "OpenJDK" o Select the "OpenJDK Java Runtime" (openjdk-6-jre) o Confirm the installation of community maintained software o Press the "Apply Changes" button * On the KDE desktop (Kubuntu): o In the main desktop menu, choose "Add/Remove Programs" o In the "Adept Installer" search for "OpenJDK" o Select the "OpenJDK Java Runtime" (openjdk-6-jre) o Press the "Apply Changes" button * On the command line, type: $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre The openjdk-6-jre package contains just the Java Runtime Environment. If you want to develop Java programs then install the openjdk-6-jdk package. For more information on how to install Java on Ubuntu, including on versions prior to 8.04, please see the Ubuntu Java Community page.

November 2007

October 2007

August 2007

Teste sua instalação do software Java

SOFTWARE JAVA para seu computador O software Java está presente nos computadores embutidos em brinquedos, carros, aviões, foguetes e até no projeto Mars Rover da NASA. Ele proporciona interatividade para a Internet, gráficos em tempo real para televisão, imagens instantâneas para câmeras e jogos com vários participantes para telefones celulares e desktops. A tecnologia Java o acompanha aonde quer que você vá.

March 2007


Java SE JDK na pequisa google necessario para o NetBeans