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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags vector & vetorial

June 2009

Inkscape. Draw Freely.

User Documentation Inkscape Books Tavmjong Bah is writing a book on Inkscape, available here: or as a printed book or e-book from Lulu: A Guide to Inkscape. An international group of contributors is writing a new book licensed under GPL3 and published at FLOSS Manuals. Printed version will soon be available from Lulu. If you want to help writing it or make a localized version, please subscribe to inkscape-docs@ mailing list and tell us! There is also a book in French, written by Elisa de Castro Guerra: french Inkscape : Apprenez, pratiquez, créez. Additionally, there is a great book on SVG, which is a W3C standard which Inkscape relies on for storing its documents, called "Learn SVG: The Web Graphics Standard" and available in English and French.

Inkscape. Draw Freely.

Version 0.47 gallery/thumbs/inkscape-0.47-tweakaroo_thumb.png Several new modes in the Tweak tool - Move, Move In/Out, Move Jitter, Scale, Rotate, and Duplicate/Delete - make it possible to easily and naturally manipulate any number of separate objects, such as a tiling of clones. With a few soft brush strokes, you can turn a regular tiling into a freeform cloud, "power field," or even a complete drawing as in this example.

August 2008

Inkscape - Ubuntu art tools (Wiki)

Open source Inkscape is an evolving and increasingly capable vector illustrator, comparable to (but probably not yet quite at the level of) Illustrator and CorelDraw. It seems to be modeled most closely on the user interface of CorelDraw, which isn't a bad thing at all. The latest version (0.45 as of this writing) has added a very nice SVG blur function - you can add blur to nearly any vector object, which gives it a very nice drop shadow capability, a big advance. Some very beautiful illustrations are possible with this package.

February 2008

February 2007


by 41 others
inkscape no GRATIS ANTES HOJE (29/03/2008) GOOGLE PESQUISA (BUSCA): inkscape About Inkscape An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.