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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags xubuntu & "xfce ubuntu"

June 2009

How to install Xfce on Ubuntu

How to install Xfce on Ubuntu Ubuntu's default desktop environment is Gnome. Sometimes people using Ubuntu want to try out Xfce as well, though. Even though these instructions are for adding Xfce to Gnome, the same principle applies for adding Gnome to KDE, Xfce to KDE or KDE to Gnome. Basically, you install the desktop environment, log out, and choose the desktop environment.

June 2008


Version: pre Type: GTK 2.x Theme/Style Downloads: 65 Submitted: Jun 6 2008 Score: score63c%score 63% good badgood PUNX69 PUNX69 - Holger *NO* Germany last visit Jun 6 2008 0 contacts 2 groups other contents send a message add as contact more info - - Description: A dark Xfce theme based on FireballGTK by Toma- * depends on gtk2-pixbuff-engine * recommends Beryl/Compiz-Fusion(Also Emerald) Denmark Font(Handel Gothic D Clone) QGtkStyle(Use your GTK theme in Qt4) * includes GTK2-theme Emerald-theme

February 2008

July 2007

Installing Xfce on Ubuntu

Installing Xfce on Ubuntu Why Xubuntu? If you have a computer with rather modest specifications (I'd say anywhere between 128 MB of RAM to 256 MB of RAM), you may find that Kubuntu's KDE and Ubuntu's Gnome are too slow on your computer to be functional. There's another desktop environment called Xfce that is relatively lightweight, and Xubuntu is the version of Ubuntu that comes with Xfce as its default desktop environment.