public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tags django & code

January 2008

django-rosetta - Google Code

A Django application that eases to translation process of your Django projects

Marco powa

November 2007

django-evolution - Google Code

by 1 other

Django Evolution is an extension to Django that allows you to track changes in your models over time, and to update the database to reflect those changes.

April 2007

django-logging - Google Code

by 2 others
A Django wrapper to Python's logging module

greut's TAGS related to tag django

ajax +   akismet +   blog +   capistrano +   cheatsheet +   code +   content +   database +   db +   dev +   djangocon +   doctest +   example +   expert +   extension +   faq +   fr +   framework +   freelance +   full-text +   geo +   gis +   google +   guide +   introduction +   json +   l10n +   localization +   log +   middleware +   mysql +   oop +   openid +   orm +   pattern +   performance +   php +   py +   pycon2007 +   python +   rails +   ruby +   search +   snippets +   spam +   spawning +   sql +   tdd +   template +   tips +   tool +   trendy +   tutorial +   twisted +   undo +   unittest +   web +   wiki +   wsgi +