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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags new & be

November 2009

Must-Have Accessories for a Vehicle

When a person purchases a new vehicle, there are always optional features to choose from which can be added to a set of standard parts.

July 2009

Confused About Your Hair Loss Solution Choices?

If you are new to finding products to help you with your hair loss, you may be finding the information you encounter a bit confusing. It s really not to hard to know what will work for you.

June 2009

Amazing New Technology Allows Anyone to Make Your Own Music

If you’ve ever had the desire to discover how to make your own music beats, but thought the hardware would be too expensive, you were wrong. Orperhaps you believed that it would be too difficult to learn how to play the necessary instruments, or maybe you just felt like you could never produce high quality music like the big names in the music bu

March 2009

Roof Strength Rating Is Established

Insurance Institute for Highways Safety has established new ratings for vehicles. Now not only standard parts like front, rear and sides will be checked for strength, but roof as well.

New Auto Insurance Step by Step

Since every car has to be insured, it is important to know how to get the best coverage and what would be the right choice for a certain person. Here are a few steps that might be helpful in this situation.

Made of Honor Is Made without Honor

If one day you decide to relax in front of a TV with a new American comedy, what will be your choice? Have you even considered Made of Honor as a film worthy Friday night attention? The comedy tells about Tom and Hannah who used to be friends for 10 years.

Car Insurance for New Car owners

Who would want to spend a king’s ransom on car insurance, but getting a cheap insurance is rather very difficult to get .However, there are a few things that could be done to reduce the premium of one’s insurance policy.

Igor Is a Bright Light in the Evil World of Malaria

For those who liked Corpse Bride and The Nightmare Before Christmas the new computer animated film Igor will be an interesting thing to watch. It was not written, produced and directed by Tim Burton as the other two, but the image of crookedly looking people with big round eyes definitely reminds Burton’s works.

October 2008

More Research On the Dangers Of Light Smoking

A new study conducted by Tobacco Control researchers has revealed that even light smoking of just several cigarettes a day can be very dangerous for the heart and lung health. According to the scientists, if you puff daily from one to four lung rockets, and especially if you are a woman, you almost triple your chances of contracting lung cancer and

Natural High Blood Pressure Cure - 5 Facts to Treat Hyperten

What is it that will finally be that inspiration that motivates you? Many wait till New Years to make the change only to find out that a new calendar year can only motivate for a couple weeks.

The Automotive GPS - How to Choose One

In today’s world, no high end automotive is without its GPS to helps us travel from destination A to destination B. We can buy optional GPS systems as part of a new car buy or select models that are installed later. However, whether to buy one straight off or select one later that may be of better quality is a tough choice.

September 2008

Research Confirms that Life-Long Nicotine Addiction Can Resu

According to a new Canadian study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, some people can develop a full-blown tobacco addiction after smoking just one cigarette, while others can be discouraged from further smoking after their initial exposure to tobacco fumes.

August 2008

Apple iPhone 3G : Amazing Mobile With Exceptional Features

The new Apple iPhone 3G has captured the imagination of people like never before. It can be said with certainty that this new device is one of the hottest devices due to its beautiful and unique user interface.

Brown Fat and Slimness - New Research

New studies published in the journal Nature have discovered that a specific type of adipose (fat) cells found in newborn babies may hold key to weight loss. Researchers speculate that these brown� fat cells may be responsible for extremely fast metabolism observed in newborns.

2011 Nissan Murano Convertible

Nissan is going to make a revolution at the SUV market by creating a unique four-door convertible auto. This is going to be a new model of the well known Nissan Murano. We already know about a drop top Jeep Wrangler Limited, but its four-wheel-drive capability is made for a different range of customers.

2009 Volkswagen Golf

Volkswagen is ready to present its new redesigned hatchback Golf, which is promised to be better than all the previous models. Its production is going to start next year: at first it goes to European customers in October, 2009, and then it will be sold in North America, Australia, Asia and Africa as a 2010 model.

July 2008

Rogers Rate Plans for 3G iPhone

Rogers will be offering the following data plans with the new 3G iPhone, so take a gander and see if you re willing to part with the stated amounts each month.

Questionable Effectiveness of New Weight-Loss Supplement Lipozene

According to some experts, a new weight-loss supplement known as Lipozene, which is based on fibre-rich product glucomannan, can be not as effective as the manufacturer claims.

New Anti-Smoking Vaccine Becomes a Reality

An experimental treatment for tobacco addiction, an innovative “anti-smoking” vaccine, will soon be tested in a clinical trial. A team of researchers from the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has already started to recruit smoking volunteers to participate in this groundbreaking study.

May 2008 - car search engine |

Plenty Car website will be interesting for those who are not only ordinary car owners, but car fans crazy about new releases, car debuts and auto shows all over the world.

Environmental Pollution Can Trigger Male-Pattern Hair Loss

If you are going bald, the cause may not be just in your genes. A new research conducted by scientists of the University of London, England, has linked male-pattern baldness to increased levels of environmental pollution and a damaging effect of smoking.

Smoking Teens Can be Prone to Depression

Although “conventional wisdom” states that smoking can be beneficial for depressed people, scientific studies show that, on the contrary, the reverse is true. A new trial conducted by US scientists has demonstrated that depression in teenagers can actually be caused by smoking cigarettes.

April 2008

Top 10 Discounted Vehicles in 2008

The year 2008 shows the new vehicles are available to a wide range of people. Spring and summer seasons’ prices are so low; it is easy for almost anybody to purchase a new auto. More than 150 models of different brands have very good discounts and can be bought with low financing.

February 2008

Mazda Fans Got Tricked

These pictures got much interest from all Mazda fans lately. Although there were sketches, there was not much information about it.Everybody was wondering about the new two-door car from the Japanese that would broad the coupe market and be a good competitor for Nissan Altima and Honda Accord coupes.

January 2008

New VW Golf will be launched in the late 2008

In his interview given to Automibilwoche during the motorshow in Shanghai, head of development for VW, Ulrich Hackenburg notified that the best selling model of VW will not be changed next spring as it was planned originally.

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