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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags javascript & dhtml



by 1 other
Un spectacle très très original à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte, cliquez vite et laissez-vous porter !

ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications - MDC

by 1 other
ARIA, formerly known as DHTML accessibility, is a standard being developed at W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Shadowbox.js Media Viewer

by 6 others
Shadowbox is a cross-browser, cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript.


Interface elements for jQuery

by 1 other
Interface is a collection of plugins for jQuery javascript library. With this plugins you can build Web 2.0 aplications with the same same simplicty as using jQuery and provide a rich user interface.

SIMILE | Timeline

by 22 others
Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for visualizing time-based events. It is like Google Maps for time-based information. Below is a live example that you can play with. Pan the timeline by dragging it horizontally.

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:FireBug - All Releases

by 6 others (via)
FireBug is a new tool that aids with debugging Javascript, DHTML, and Ajax. It is like a combination of the Javascript Console, DOM Inspector, and a command line Javascript interpreter.


[brothercake] Ultimate Drop Down Menu

by 1 other
Ultimate Drop Down Menu (UDM) is a fully-featured and accessible DHTML menu, that provides useable content to all browsers - including screenreaders, search-engines and text-only browsers. Released in January 2004, UDM was the world's first fully-featured and accessible DHTML menu!

DHTML DOM JavaScript Dynamic News Box Upscroller Wow Yeah Ahhhrrrggghhh where are the pills...

by 7 others (via)
Dynamic News Upscroller with DOM and CSS and XHTML and Accessibility and other things like that...

Drag and drop comes to Backpack - Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

By popular demand we’ve implemented drag and drop reordering of to-dos and notes in Backpack (watch a video demo).