public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags Paint & Jose

04 February 2008


libmtpixel is a fork of mtPaint 3.14.42 with all of the GTK dependent code removed and a new application program interface (API) added to allow C programs to use mtPaint functions via a C library. This includes file operations, image manipulation, and pixel painting. The sources can be DOWNLOADED HERE.


rgbPaint At the beginning of January 2007 Mark Tyler decided to fork version 3.09 of mtPaint to see how easy it would be to create a very basic painting program which could run on the One Laptop Per Child Sugar system.

31 January 2008

Fill and Stroke Paint

There are a number of different options for the Fill and Stroke paint of an object. Examples of the different options are shown below. The use of these options for the Fill and the Stroke paint is basically the same, so we'll use the word fill to talk about both at the same time.

05 December 2007

30 November 2007

News :: KolourPaint - the free, easy-to-use paint program for KDE

by 1 other Logo News About | Testimonials | Screenshots Download | Documentation People | Contact Links KolourPaint is a free, easy-to-use paint program for KDE - Read More. News Improved Clipboard Support with KDE 3.5.8