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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags gnome & kde

May 2010


live/ devel/ Edit | RecentChanges | History | Preferences | ?Discussion | live-manual About This is the documentation for Debian Live project. It provides a broad overview of the tools and philosophy of Debian Live, as well as providing details on how live systems may be built and customised by end users and developers.

Debian Live Project

Debian Live Project Live Debian systems! Live Manual This manual is under heavy construction. Please report errors, omissions, patches and suggestions to our mailinglist at and read about how to contribute to the manual.

March 2010

Kubuntu 10.04 también será LTS | Ubunlog

Kubuntu 10.04 también será LTS Lunes, 7th Diciembre 2009 Kubuntu Ubuntu En la versión LTS anterior de Ubuntu, Hardy Heron 8.04, solo la versión con GNOME tuvo soporte a largo plazo, la razón por parte de Canonical para no dar este soporte a Kubuntu, fué que incluía el recientemente lanzado KDE 4 y se tenía dudas sobre su estabilidad, hoy los tiempos son otros, KDE 4 ya está asentado y es muchisimo más estable, lo suficiente para que en el UDS se haya decidido volver a darle soporte extendido a este sabor de nuestra distribución, que incluiría KDE 4.4, Qt 4.6 y KOffice 2.1

June 2009

How to install Xfce on Ubuntu

How to install Xfce on Ubuntu Ubuntu's default desktop environment is Gnome. Sometimes people using Ubuntu want to try out Xfce as well, though. Even though these instructions are for adding Xfce to Gnome, the same principle applies for adding Gnome to KDE, Xfce to KDE or KDE to Gnome. Basically, you install the desktop environment, log out, and choose the desktop environment.

April 2009

GerenciadoresDeJanelas - Ubuntu Brasil

Funcionamento Existe um Servidor de Janelas que chama o modo gráfico (no Ubuntu, por exemplo, o é o utilizado, mas também existe o XFree86). O servidor chama o modo gráfico e permite a execução de programas feitos com bibliotecas especialmente criadas para esse modo. Esses programas especiais (que nada mais são do que programas com rotinas gráficas para botões, menus...) na verdade só trazem informações, quanto à janela, sobre o recheio, o título e o tipo de janela. Este último apenas definindo se é uma janela de aplicativo, de diálogo... Assim, se for executado apenas o Servidor Gráfico, tem-se o ambiente gráfico, mas cada programa que esteja neste ambiente gráfico (o ambiente não traz interface para chamar programas) estará parado num canto, sem barra de título. Não se pode sequer maximizar a janela ou tirar uma janela da frente de outra. Até mesmo fechar a janela só será permitido se houver uma opção assim nos menus. Por isso não se usa um Servidor Gráfico sozinho. Para executar operações com janelas, são usados os Gerenciadores de Janelas. O que eles fazem basicamente é colocar uma barra de título em cada programa executado que tenha sido feito para modo gráfico. Além disso, eles provêem uma série de operações adicionais, como facilitar a alternância entre janelas, por exemplo. Basicamente é só isso mas, como sempre, programas amplamente utilizados como o Gnome não pararam no básico para chegarem onde chegaram. Há outros recursos que praticamente todos os Gerenciadores de Janelas de hoje precisam ter, dentre os quais o mais curioso e notável é a capacidade de gerenciar muitas Áreas de Trabalho. O Gerenciador de Janelas padrão no Ubuntu é o Gnome, mas outros também podem ser instalados e utilizados sem dificuldade

November 2008

Candido Desktop

Themes available: The Engine, its Metacity and its themes are available in the Engine Section. Other themes are available in the Themes Section. - *Fast* cairo-based Engine. - Gtk2 Pixmap themes. - Metacity themes. - Official wallpapers. - Official GDM theme. - Xfwm4 themes. - KDE color schemes for your QT apps. This project is hosted by

Candido Desktop

Themes available: The Engine, its Metacity and its themes are available in the Engine Section. Other themes are available in the Themes Section. - *Fast* cairo-based Engine. - Gtk2 Pixmap themes. ATUALIZADO ( Update ) HOJE ( AGORA ) 8:29 p.m. ( 27 de AGOSTO de 2009 , QUINTA-FEIRA ) Project Get your linux a new Candido style! "Candido Desktop" is a project that aims to get a new style to all your linux desktop. It's composed on a variety of themes to completely redesign your desktop experience. Themes available: The Engine, its Metacity and its themes are available in the Engine Section. Other themes are available in the Themes Section. - *Fast* cairo-based Engine. - Gtk2 Pixmap themes. - Metacity themes. - Official wallpapers. - Official GDM theme. - Xfwm4 themes. - KDE color schemes for your QT apps. - Metacity themes. - Official wallpapers. - Official GDM theme. - Xfwm4 themes. - KDE color schemes for your QT apps. This project is hosted by

Xubuntu | Ubuntu

Xubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu using the Xfce desktop environment. It is intended for users with less-powerful computers, or those that require a highly efficient desktop environment on faster systems. Xubuntu features primarily GNOME applications. Xubuntu Desktop When you start your system for the first time you'll see a desktop that is clean and tidy with and a default theme that is easy on the eye.

September 2008

July 2008


by 2 others (via)
IceWM is a window manager for the X Window System (freedesktop, XFree86). The goal of IceWM is speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way.

Index of /mirrors/artistx

Icon Name Last modified Size Description[DIR] Parent Directory - [ ] LICENSE 24-Oct-2007 17:44 18K [ ] SOURCES 24-Oct-2007 17:44 249 [ ] artistx_0.4_gnome_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso 16-Nov-2007 18:55 3.1G [ ] artistx_0.4_gnome_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso.md5 16-Nov-2007 18:55 80 [ ] artistx_0.4_kde_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso 16-Nov-2007 18:59 3.0G [ ] artistx_0.4_kde_live_dvd_iso_11-15-2007.iso.md5 16-Nov-2007 18:59 78 [ ] artistx_0.5_kde_live_dvd_iso_06_05_2008.iso 06-Jun-2008 08:24 2.5G [ ] artistx_0.5_kde_live_dvd_iso_06_05_2008.iso.md5sum 10-Jun-2008 00:52 79


Fluxbuntu Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Ir para: navegação, pesquisa O Fluxbuntu é uma distribuição de Linux baseada no Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" (lançada em Outubro de 2007) com o objectivo de ser mais leve e como tal funcionar em sistemas mais antigos, ou em sistemas modernos a grande velocidade. Ao contrário das versões oficiais - o Ubuntu usa o ambiente de trabalho GNOME, o Kubuntu usa KDE e o Xubuntu usa Xfce, todos considerados demasiado grandes e pesadas e consequentemente mais lentos, o Fluxbuntu usa o Fluxbox.

February 2008 | Desktop Eyecandy

by 1 other (via)
About gDesklets gDesklets is a system for bringing mini programs (desklets), such as weather forecasts, news tickers, system information displays, or music player controls, onto your desktop, where they are sitting there in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. The possibilities are really endless and they are always there to serve you whenever you need them, just one key-press away. The system is not restricted to one desktop environment, but currently works on most of the modern Unix desktops (including GNOME, KDE, Xfce).

September 2007

> SUSE > Suse Live 9.2 - LQ ISO

Established in 1992, SUSE LINUX is one of the world`s leading providers of Linux software and services. With the largest dedicated Linux research and development team, SUSE delivers enterprise-ready software and services that harness the innovation, speed-to-market and independence of the open source community.

.: my own private chaös :.

WHAT IS THIS? Camera Monitor is a little tray system icon that notifies you when your Webcam is on. It is designed for the GNOME desktop, but will work as well on KDE and XFCE. Camera Monitor is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License

Kubuntu DesktopKubuntu

The Kubuntu DesktopKubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu using the KDE environment instead of GNOME. It is part of the Ubuntu project and uses the same underlying system. It is an exciting distribution that showcases the full potential of the KDE desktop. Kubuntu shares the same repositories as Ubuntu, and relies on the same underlying architecture.

kubuntu wiki

Kubuntu and Ubuntu are not meant to be seen as distinct projects; Kubuntu is part of the Ubuntu project, and they are both part of one development team that contributes to the whole. Kubuntu is Ubuntu with a different default setup, the Ubuntu CD contains only GNOME as a desktop environment; the Kubuntu CD contains only KDE, this is the primary difference.