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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags help & internet

June 2009

Wired troubleshooting

Wired troubleshooting If you have a network connection which is not working properly, you can use a few tools to help diagnose what the problem is. Most of the tools in this section require use of the Terminal, which you can open by pressing Applications → Accessories → Terminal. Get information about the current connection ifconfig is intended to allow you to change the settings of your network connections, but it can also be used to list information about the current connection. 1. Press Applications → Accessories → Terminal to open a Terminal 2. Type ifconfig eth1 in the Terminal and press Enter, replacing eth1 with the name of your network interface if it is different. * inet addr gives the current IP address of the connection * HWaddr gives the MAC address of your network device

Chapter 5. Troubleshooting

Table of Contents Wired troubleshooting Get information about the current connection Check if a connection is working properly Wireless troubleshooting Check that the device is on Check for device recognition Using Windows Wireless Drivers Check for a connection to the router Check IP assignment Check DNS IPv6 Not Supported


Ubuntu Documentation > Ubuntu 9.04 > Internet and Networks > Connecting > DSL DSL 1. Right click the NetworkManager icon and click Edit connections... 2. Click DSL. 3. Click Add.

September 2008

InternetRelayChat - Community Ubuntu Documentation

by 1 other
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of realtime Internet chat. It is mainly designed for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communlication via private message. On IRC you can talk to many other members using Ubuntu, on topics ranging from idle chit-chat to support with your Ubuntu. Though a channel might have many people in it at any one time, they might not always be at their keyboard; so if no-one responds, just wait around and someone will hopefully answer soon enough. This page serves as an information base for users of the Ubuntu IRC channels. The Ubuntu channels can be found on the Freenode network, xchat in Ubuntu has this network preconfigured and the main channel, #ubuntu, will automatically be joined. Kubuntu also comes with Konversation, which is also pre-configured for the Kubuntu help channels. When participating in Ubuntu IRC channels, please abide by the Code of Conduct and channel guidelines.

August 2007

Illustrated Dual Boot Site

by 1 other (via)
Illustrated Dual Boot Site Home Page Edited Friday, July 13 2007 This website is about how to use the Ubuntu 'Alternate' Install CD, and also features all kinds of help with Linux bootloaders and dual booting. You NEED Linux in your computer so you can get email and use the internet safely. The internet is not safe for your existing operating system because it is incurably vulnerable to all kinds of evil pests and threats. Read this BBC News article, Google searches web's dark side. Solve the problem, install Linux today and keep your other OS for home use only, safely off the internet. You can switch to Linux later as you learn to use it and discover how much better it is.

Wine HQ - Wine HowTo

How to help get applications working in Wine If you want to help get an application working in Wine, the first thing you should do is register yourself in the applications database and use one of your votes to indicate that you'd like more effort to be spent on the application. Every once in a while, a Wine developer will finish a project and look for something to do - combing through the higher voted apps to find one that people need work on is a great way to spend one's time and fill up a todo list. If the application that you want working is not listed in the applications database, there is an easy to use form available for you to add it. If the application is in the database, but lacks a maintainer, you should consider becoming one. If you are familiar with Wine and have a desire to test the application and help get or keep it working, please apply by clicking the link in the application's page. Each application should have a supermaintainer, and, if different versions of the application are substantially different (such as in Internet Explorer), each subversion should have a maintainer. Please don't feel deterred by the need to apply to become a maintainer - the application form is largely a formality to prevent abuse and we can virtually guarantee your acceptance. If you are the developer or publisher of the application, you obviously have a very big incentive to help get your application working under Wine. Fortunately, there are many options available to you other than reporting bugs and hoping someone will fix them. By far the easiest way is to simply send free copies of your software to Wine developers and hope they'll take an interest in getting it working. You'd be amazed how effective this approach can be, particularly for games. An alternative option, perhaps more effective and expensive, is to pay Wine developers for their work on your application, either directly through a negotiated contract or indirectly by posting a bounty. CodeWeavers, a major Wine developer, offers a special section for pledges at their compatibility center website. The most direct method, however, is to help develop Wine itself and contribute code directly, which is exactly what Corel did for WordPerfect several years ago. In any case, making a post on the Wine developers email list can go a long way

June 2007