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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags jozmak & "design visual"

18 February 2008 13:45

Visual Design: Optimizing Xubuntu's user interface

Optimizing Xubuntu's user interface Labels: Reviews Xubuntu targets slower older hardware with limited resources like my IBM Thinkpad with 1 Gig Intel processor 250 Mb memory, 30 Gig hard drive and 14 inch display size. Running Xubuntu on older hardware is a challenge in itself but in this article I focus exclusively on usability issues that might enhance older hardware functionality making xubuntu experience more enjoyable.

18 February 2008 13:30

18 February 2008 13:00

Visual Design: Gimp Tutorial: Creating a Navigation Button

Gimp Tutorial: Creating a Navigation Button Labels: Gimp Tutorials Navigation buttons are essential features of both web pages and application interfaces. In the following tutorial, we create an attractive navigation button in a few simple steps that can be followed even with limited Gimp knowledge. :