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31 July 2009 15:00

Enlightenment - About

About Enlightenment We are dedicated to providing advanced graphical libraries, tools, and environments. Currently, the project is made up of three different components: Enlightenment DR16, Enlightenment DR17, and the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. While we are best known for the Enlightenment Window Manager itself there is a long history of providing advanced libraries and tools to support the window manager and other applications, such as Imlib, Imlib2, and FNLib which extend far beyond the window manager itself in scope. Today, in development toward the DR17 Desktop Shell we have created an entirely new set of libraries and tools that provide more power and flexibility than any other group of graphical libraries available, The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries.

13 May 2009 08:00

24 April 2009 07:45

Lubi, LVPM, UNetbootin, and Bubakup - LVPM

Download LVPM 8.04/7.10/7.04 Download Partition Manager for Windows Download Partition Manager for Ubuntu Browse all downloads (additional packages for other distros/versions) Introduction The Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manager allows users to upgrade their existing Wubi or Lubi installation to a standard Ubuntu system by transferring all data, settings, and applications from the original install to a dedicated partition. The advantages of upgrading using LVPM are better disk performance and reliability, and the ability to replace the original operating system with Ubuntu. Requirements LVPM has been tested on installs created by Wubi 8.04, Wubi 7.10, Wubi 7.04, and Lubi 7.04. Partition Manager (Only Needed If You Don't Have Any Spare Partitions) Before using LVPM, you will need to have 1 spare partition for the root filesystem, and another partition formatted as swap. If you don't have any spare partitions, you can use the Partition Manager tool (short video tutorial here), boot it and open GParted, then resize your partitions and create a swap partition of equal size to your RAM, and the main target ext3 partition. Howtoforge also has a step-by-step screenshot-based guide on using the Partition Manager.

26 July 2008 04:15

Intrepid Ibex Alpha 2 | Ubuntu

Upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04 To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04, run "update-manager -d" using the update-manager package from hardy.

07 February 2008 22:15

window maker- your next window manager

Window Maker is an X11 window manager originally designed to provide integration support for the GNUstep Desktop Environment. In every way possible, it reproduces the elegant look and feel of the NEXTSTEP[tm] user interface. It is fast, feature rich, easy to configure, and easy to use. It is also free software, with contributions being made by programmers from around the world.

04 October 2007 18:45

o kurumin é rpm? parte3

eu aqui com o kurumin 13- Tem como instalar pacotes RPM no Kurumin? O Debian possui um utilitário chamado alien que transforma pacotes .rpm e .tgz (do Slackware) em pacotes .deb que podem ser instalados no Kurumin. Para usa-lo você precisa antes de mais nada estar com o Kurumin instalado no HD. Abra o Root Shell e use o comando: # apt-get install alien (para instalar o alien, para usar o pat-get você precisa estar conectado) Para converter o pacote basta digitar "alien nome_do_pacote", como em: # alien sodipodi-0.30.1-2mdk.i586.rpm Ele gerará um pacote .deb com o mesmo nome, que pode ser instalado através do comando: # dpkg -i nome_do_pacotepacote.deb Lembre-se que os pacotes RPM são compilados para distribuições específicas (Mandrake, Red Hat, Conectiva, etc.). Nem todos vão funcionar no Kurumin (assim como um RPM do Red Hat nem sempre funciona no Mandrake ou no Conectiva). Alguns podem reclamar de falta de dependências, etc. O mais prático é procurar um pacote .deb para o programa que você quer instalar. Existem mais de 16.000 pacotes .deb oficiais e mais algumas dezenas de milhares de pacotes .deb não oficiais espalhados pela Web. Uma buca no google geralmente resolve o problema. Você pode encontrar vários repositórios com pacotes não oficiais no Clique no "view a full list of sites" ou faça uma procura pelo programa desejado. Para adicionar um destes repositórios na configuração do apt-get, para que você possa instalar os pacotes disponíveis neles com um "apt-get install kismet" por exemplo, você deve editar o arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list: kedit /etc/apt/sources.list Para cada site listado no, você verá uma entrada como esta, depois da listagem dos arquivos disponíveis: deb unstable main Basta dicionar a entrada como uma nova linha no arquivo kedit /etc/apt/sources.list, salvar o arquivo e rodar o apt-get update para que ele se atualize adicionando a nova fonte.

04 October 2007 18:30

o kurumin é rpm?

OBS: Os pacotes são de extensão rpm (RedHat Package Manager) e não servem para o Kurumin! Então deveremos convertê-los para .deb, pois na maioria das vezes são compatíveis com o Kurumin. Instalar o alien, que converte os pacotes .rpm para .deb, com o comando: # sudo apt-get install alien Agora transformaremos os arquivos rpm em deb, digitando na pasta onde salvou os 3 pacotes os seguintes comandos: # alien fpc* # alien laz* Teremos 3 pacotes deb. eu aqui com o kurumin

24 September 2007 17:15

tadeufilippini - Wiki

tadeufilippini This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates. Before creating the page, please check if a similar page already exists.

23 September 2007 16:30 - The RPM Package Manager

RPM is a core component of many Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Fedora Project, SUSE Linux Enterprise, openSUSE, CentOS, Mandriva Linux, and many others. It is also used on many other operating systems as well, and the RPM format is part of the Linux Standard Base.

26 August 2007 20:30

26 June 2007 12:00


by 1 other
What is Enlightenment? Enlightenment. What is Enlightenment?. Some people affectionately refer to Enlightenment as E because typing or saying the whole word is a bit of a mouthful. Early in its history, which began back in 1996, E was just a window manager for X11. Since then, E has now become much more. In the process of building the next generation of the window manager, we have created a suite of libraries for doing data storage and retrieval, scene-graph rendering with a canvas, theme encapsulation, compiling and demand-loading, event loop, inter-process communication, specification handling, virtual machines, video codec abstractions, widget sets, and more.