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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags scanner & sourceforge

2011 User Guide - scantailor

User Guide From scantailor Jump to: navigation, search Contents [hide] * 1 About * 2 Installation and first start * 3 Create Project * 4 The concept of processing scans in Scan Tailor * 5 Program menu * 6 Processing stages * 7 See also About Scan Tailor is an interactive tool for post-processing of scanned pages. It gives the ability to cut or crop pages, compensate for skew angle, and add / delete content fields and margins, among others. You begin with raw scans, and end up with tiff's that are ready for printing or assembly in PDF or DjVu file. Scanning, OCR, and the building of single-file multi-page documents are not included in the project objectives. The program is developed for Windows, GNU / Linux, and other Unix-like systems such as Mac OS X. scantailor

English You are currently at Scan Tailor project's Wiki. A Wiki is a content management system that allows visitors to add new and edit existing content. This Wiki is intended for Scan Tailor's documentation, Frequently Asked Questions, Tips and things like that. There is also a discussion system that allows commenting on the content of a particular page. The English pages are currently in an active stage of development. If you are interested, you are welcome to add such content. You need to be logged in as SourceForge user to do that. You can also contact me about working on these pages. User Guide Quick Start Guide Video tutorial Tips for scanning Building from source code on Linux and Mac OS X

2007 LProf open source ICC profiler

LProf is an open source color profiler that creates ICC compliant profiles for devices such as cameras, scanners and monitors. Origanally authored by Marti Maria the creator of LCMS. Marti has graciously consented to the creation of this project