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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags video & windows

January 2008

October 2007

About WebCrawler - WebCrawler

WebCrawler © brings users the top search results from Google, Yahoo!, Windows Live,,, MIVA, LookSmart and other popular search engines. WebCrawler provides multimedia results including images, audio, video, news, and local information. WebCrawler is a registered trademark of InfoSpace, Inc.

Audacity: Como copiar e instalar o Lame MP3 encoder?

Como copiar e instalar o Lame MP3 encoder? # When you have finished downloading the ZIP folder, unzip it and save the file lame_enc.dll that it contains to anywhere on your computer. # The first time you use the "Export as MP3" command, Audacity will ask you where lame_enc.dll is saved. # In case of difficulty, please view our more detailed instructions at the Audacity Wiki.

Audacity: Windows

by 2 others
Windows Componentes recomendados Clicando em um dos links abaixo você será levado à página do onde é feita a cópia. O download deve começar em alguns segundos e pode ter problemas se você utilizar um gerenciador de download. * Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista: Instalador do Audacity 1.2.6 (Arquivo executável, 2,1 MB) - A versão mais recente do Audacity.

September 2007 Project details for MPlayer

MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats, including MPEG 1/2/4, DivX 3/4/5, Windows Media 7/8/9, RealAudio/Video up to 9, Quicktime 5/6, and Vivo 1/2. It has many MMX/SSE(2)/3Dnow(Ex) optimized native audio and video codecs, but allows using XAnim's and RealPlayer's binary codec plugins, and Win32 codec DLLs. It has basic VCD/DVD playback functionality, including DVD subtitles, but supports many text-based subtitle formats too. For video output, nearly every existing interface is supported. It's also able to convert any supported files to raw/divx/mpeg4 AVI (pcm/mp3 audio), and even video grabbing from V4L devices.

August 2007

xine - A Free Video Player - About xine

platforms xine tries to be as portable as possible. Supported platforms include: * GNU/Linux (x86, alpha, sparc, ppc, ...) * FreeBSD (x86) * Solaris (sparc and x86) * Irix (mips) * Darwin/MacOS X (ppc) via the fink project Support for the following platforms is in progress (help is always appreciated): * MS Windows (partially working and committed to CVS) * HPUX (patches received) * OpenBSD (patches received) * OS/2 (external site)

MediaCoder - Downloads

by 3 others
Requirements * Windows XP/2000 (recommended) * Windows Vista (may work, please report) * Windows 98/ME (most features may work) * Linux with WINE (some users have reported that most features can work) * SSE instruction set is required for some target formats * Dual-core processors have optimized performance

November 2006