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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags wiki & debian

July 2008

DebianEdu - Debian Wiki

DebianEdu * is a Debian project to make the best distribution for educational purposes. Skolelinux * is the name of a CustomDebianDistribution which is produced by the DebianEdu project. "Skole" ([skuːl]) is the Norwegian form of "school". Both "skole" and "school" comes from the Latin word "schola".

DebianEdu/Software - Debian Wiki

Debian Wiki * DebianEdu * Software Wiki * FrontPage * RecentChanges * FindPage * HelpContents * DebianEdu/Software Página * Página Não Editável * Informações * Anexos * Usuário * Login Software Skolelinux software overview, and links to other web sites that will help you find the software you need. Please, help us to complete this page. We need a quick overview about free educational software. If you like to work continuosly, please subscribe this page to be informed on changes automatical

March 2008

BrOffice Live

Este é um live CD para demonstrar o Ele traz o Debian com o desktop KDE. Tudo em ambiente live, sem precisar instalar no computador.

ARA Live

Este é um live CD que traz o Debian com o desktop GNOME, acrescido do QCad (ferramenta CAD na versão comunitária, com código-fonte aberto), Blender e alguns aplicativos básicos, além de PDFs, incluindo o Manual do QCad em português. Tudo em ambiente live, sem precisar instalar no computador.

September 2007

June 2007

Debian HelpContents

HelpContents Here is a tour of the most important help pages: HelpForBeginners - if you are new to wikis HelpOnNavigation - explains the navigational elements on a page HelpOnPageCreation - how to create a new page, and how to use page templates HelpOnUserPreferences - how to make yourself known to the wiki, and adapt default behaviour to your taste HelpOnEditing - how to edit a page HelpOnActions - tools that work on pages or the whole site HelpMiscellaneous - more details, and a FAQ section