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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags wiki & windows

March 2009

Tips - Audacity Wiki

This page collects together tips on particular aspects of working with Audacity and your hardware. Following these will greatly enhance your day-to-day experience of using Audacity. Contents [hide] * 1 Related pages: * 2 Working in Audacity * 3 Troubleshooting Audio Files * 4 Managing and understanding the technology * 5 Recording Tips * 6 Troubleshooting Recordings * 7 Using other programs [edit] Related pages: Our collection of Tutorials giving step-by-step guidance on performing common tasks using Audacity. [edit] Working in Audacity * Aligning Audio * Audacity for blind users * Changing the current language * EffectsTips * File Management Tips * Multi-Tool Mode * NavigationTips * PlaybackTips * Selecting Audio * Sending your work to others [edit] Troubleshooting Audio Files * Trouble moving an Audacity project * Disk full error happens very quickly. * Can't open file (with spaces in the name) * Can't open multiple files [edit] Managing and understanding the technology * Bit Depth * Managing Computer Resources and Drivers * Sample Rates * Updating Sound Device Drivers [edit] Recording Tips * Cassette Deck Magnetisation * Hardware influence on recording quality * Improving Recording Quality * Recording from Cassette * Recording levels * Reducing noise * Removing Artifacts * Speech Recording [edit] Troubleshooting Recordings * Recording cursor stuck * Clipping (distortion of louder sounds) * Skips (bits of audio missing) * Hiss or Hum * One stereo channel very quiet * Left and Right sound keep swapping * Noise at regular intervals * Recording out of sync * Speed variations in recording [edit] Using other programs * Other Programs * Audio Restoration * Adding drums * Tuning Instruments Retrieved from "" Categories: For Users | Tips

Brazilian Portuguese Information - Audacity Wiki

Há alguns tutoriais ensinando a utilizar o Audacity disponíveis na internet e aqui no wiki. Ajude-nos! Adicione aqui links para páginas com tutoriais e ajuda em geral no uso do Audacity e auxilie outros usuários. Tutoriais no Wiki * Instruções para instalar lame_enc.dll para Windows, que permite exportar arquivos em formato MP3. Tutoriais em vídeo * Tutoriais do Audacity em aulas de vídeo no Youtube, pelo músico Luiz França: o Aula 1 : Preferências e lame_enc.dll o Aula 2 : Como importar áudio o Aula 3 : Como selecionar áudio e trabalhar com essas seleções. Cortar, colar, etc. o Aula 4 : Gravando áudio o Aula 5 : Continuação de Gravação. Alterar o picth (tom) e a velocidade do áudio. o Aula 6 : Mixagem do áudio: equalização, fade e exportação. o Aula 7 : Removendo voz e montando playbacks com o uso do plugin centerpanremover. * Tutoriais ensinando a usar o programa e criar podcasts, pelo Prof. Eziquiel Menta: o Uma Introdução ao Audacity o Vídeos: + Controles Básicos + Editando + Preferências + Música de Fundo Artigos ensinando a usar o programa pela equipe gnu-lia * Uma breve Introdução ao Audacity * Capturando som através do microfone * Criando uma seqüência musical sem intervalos entre as músicas * Colocando voz em um arquivo de áudio * Capturando o áudio de um disco de vinil e transformando-o em um CD Retrieved from "" Category: Internationalization

November 2007

October 2007

August 2007

FAQ - The Official Wine Wiki

General Questions: 1. How do I run Wine? 2. What is the difference between Wine, Crossover Linux, and Cedega? 3. Can I use Wine to install drivers for my hardware? 4. Why do some people write WINE and not Wine? 5. Is Wine an emulator? There seems to be an argument. 6. Does Wine hurt Linux? 7. Why does Wine have a Windows version on the download page? 8. Does Wine run on 64-bit ? 9. Where can I get further help?

February 2007 - WUBI

by 2 others
UPDATE HOJE : 7 DE MAIO DE 2008 --+ QUARTA-FEIRA The Windows-based Ubuntu Installer has been renamed to Wubi, and the core backend has been named Lupin. The Linux version is named Lubi, and the tool to upgrade loopmounted installations to full installs is named LVPM.-