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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags javascript & xml


Build Android apps using XML and JavaScript Object Notation Part 2

Part 2 examines the manner in which Webkit-hosted JavaScript code exchanges data with Java code in an Android application. Explore techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet—XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)—on the Android platform.

Build Android apps using XML and JavaScript Object Notation Part 1

Explore techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet—XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)—on the Android platform. This first part covers the basics of XML and JSON and shows you how to build an Android application that parses and displays a Twitter status-update feed provided in both formats.

Build an Android Twitter app using XML and JavaScript Object Notation

This article, explores techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet — XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)— on the Android platform. Learn the basics of XML and JSON and how to build an Android application that parses and displays a Twitter status-update in both formats.

Using Internet data in Android applications

Many of your Android apps will need to interact with Internet data, which comes in a variety of formats. In this article, build an Android app that works with popular data formats — XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON, as well as the more exotic protocol buffers format from Google. You'll learn about the performance and coding trade-offs associated with each format.


Implementing RPC for JavaScript using Ajax and Java code

This article shows how to implement a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for Web applications that use JavaScript on both servers and clients. You'll also learn several interesting techniques, such as implementing Java interfaces with JavaScript, building an XMLHttpRequest wrapper, making Ajax debugging easier, and using JSP tag files to generate JavaScript code.

Using E4X on the server-side with Jaxer

Running JavaScript on the server is not some oddity. The ECMAScript for XML (E4X) standard gives JavaScript developers a powerful API to work with XML. In this article, you can see how JavaScript and E4X make it easy to work with XML on the server. Combine this key ingredient with Jaxer to create Ajax applications using nothing but JavaScript.

The five best practices for SOA Web 2.0

In this article, two experienced SOA architects look at the new world of Web 2.0 technologies with a critical eye and present five best practices that can help you be more successful in adopting Ajax, REST, and other Web 2.0 technologies as part of your SOA. There are several major areas in which they have learned some very painful lessons. They share these with you to spare you similar distress, and to help you get a jump on your SOA Web 2.0 success.


Are you tired of the boring repetition involved with DOM scripting and Ajax, then take a look at jQuery.

Unlike similar JavaScript libraries, jQuery has a unique philosophy that allows you to express common complex code succinctly. Learn how to extend jQuery with plug-ins.

solrac's TAGS related to tag javascript

adobe +   ajax +   and jQuery on Android and the iPhone +   android +   api +   app +   application +   css +   dhtml +   dom +   eclipse +   flex +   google +   Grails +   groovy +   html +   html5 +   internet +   iphone +   java +   jaxer +   jQuery +   JSF +   json +   jsp +   mobile +   php +   programming +   python +   rcp +   rest +   server +   smartphone +   twitter +   Using HTML 5 +   web +   web 2.0 +   Web 2.0 Ajax +   web apps +   web development +   webkit +   widgets +   xml +   xmpp +