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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags 3d & graficos

July 2009

June 2009

Google SketchUp download

Análise de Rubens Haruo Eishima A reprodução de objetos tridimensionais no computador é dominada por programas como AutoCAD e Maya, ferramentas profissionais de difícil aprendizado e preço elevado. Uma alternativa gratuita está disponível pelo Google, não muito famosa por soluções gráficas a gigante da Internet oferece o programa SketchUp gratuitamente

May 2009

April 2009

Sweet Home 3D

by 1 other (via)
Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you place your furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview. Sweet Home 3D: sweethome3d Project: Platform Download

Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a final 3D preview. Sweet Home 3D

Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.

September 2008

August 2008

July 2008

May 2008


O conteúdo da revista e as vídeo-aulas foram desenvolvidas pela equipe do 3Dzine. A editora Digerati está distribuindo em todo o Brasil. Ajude a revista a pegar, corra até uma banca de jornal e compre a sua (R$ 14,90). veja a capa » compre online » Promoção CD-ROM BlenderZine 1 Introdução ao Blender 3D CD-ROM com 3 horas de vídeo aulas introdutórias de Blender com áudio em português. Remessa grátis para qualquer cidade no Brasil. Saiba mais » BlenderZine 2 - Modelagem Honda Shadow Vídeo aula com 4 horas de duração mostrando o processo completo de modelagem dessa moto com o Blender versão 2.42. Versão para download ou CR-ROM. Saiba mais »


Overview Terragen is a scenery generator, created with the goal of generating photorealistic landscape images and animations. It is available for Windows and the Mac OS. At this stage in its development, Terragen is free for personal, noncommercial use. Although Terragen is a continually evolving work-in-progress, it is already capable of near-photorealistic results for professional landscape visualisation, special effects, art and recreation. Terragen has been used in a variety of commercial applications including film, television and music videos, games and multimedia, books, magazines and print advertisements. For just a small selection of projects Terragen has been used in, please visit the commercial use page. Despite the fact that Terragen can be used for professional landscape visualisation projects, it is accessible and easy to get started with. You could be rendering your first landscape image in as little as 15 minutes after installation. You can view a gallery of images created by Terragen users here. Terragen has a native user interface, using facilities provided by the operating system of the respective platform, as opposed to the custom user interfaces used by many similar applications. This means Terragen can follow the usage conventions of each platform as closely as possible, which ensures that it looks and feels just like the other applications you use and means there is no learning curve with respect to the basic operation of Terragen. Here are some screenshots of Terragen on different platforms. Click to see larger

Google SketchUp

by 25 others (via)
Google SketchUp is 3D for everyone Google SketchUp is software that you can use to create, modify and share 3D models. It's easier to learn than other 3D modeling programs, which is why so many people are already using it.

k-3d (NOT k3d)

by 1 other
K-3D is free-as-in-freedom 3D modeling and animation software. It features a plugin-oriented procedural engine for all of its content, making K-3D a very versatile and powerful package. K-3D excels at polygonal modeling, and includes basic tools for NURBS, patches, curves and animation. Give it a try!

bryce5 -

Downloads: 561,021 Requirements: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista Limitations: No limitations Date Added: June 08, 2007 From DAZ 3D: Create breathtaking realistic 3D landscapes and animations with DAZ 3D Bryce. The easy user interface simplifies the design process for a novice or the seasoned professional. Start out building or importing a landscape as impressive as the Grand Canyon. Populate it with buildings, people or any other object you create or from the extensive DAZ 3D library. The Light Lab provides you robust control over your sunsets, moonlight nights or high-noon ambiance. Tree Lab allows you to plant your landscape like the gardens of Versailles. You'll have to register your copy of Bryce on the publishers web-site to gain access to your free Bryce serial number. Note: This is a very large (123MB) file and may take several hours to download via dial-up modem. See more CNET content tagged:


Dedicated to giving all artists a home to share ideas, comments, and artwork in a friendly environment, while striving to promote learning and advancement in three-dimensional graphical design.

openfx - resources

Resources This section will provide many resources for the OpenFX community, such as sample models, animation files, tutorials and other tips and tricks. * Tutorials * Plugin libraries * Shortcut references * Image map packages * Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Tutorials We now have a new tutorial section that will be filled with step by step instructions for using OpenFX to create your blockbuster animation. You can also download them as printer-friendly PDFs below: * OpenFX 2.0 Manual [pdf] * OpenFX 2.0 Tutorial [pdf] Plugin libraries The plugin library repository is now up. This contains a list of plugins available which can be installed to enhance the feature set of OpenFX. Note that these are all optional. For a list of plugins included in the official OpenFX distribution, please visit the plugins page. Shortcut references A description of the shortcut keys available in OpenFX has been kick-started by Keith Kelly. These describe what keys are bound to actions in OpenFX and how they are affected by the Shift, Alt and Ctrl modifier keys. Image map packages Our image map packages contain image maps useful for your animations and models. Image maps are images placed on the surface of polygons to add detail without increasing the computation that has to be performed when rendering an image.

Sweet Home 3D 1.2.1 em Multiplos Idiomas

Empresa: eTeks Descrição: ATENDENDO A PEDIDOS! :: Programa gratuito para design de interiores de casas. Permite construir e decorar ambientes em um plano 2D, com visualização em 3D, adicionar portas, janelas, móveis e outros objetos. Excelente para o usuário doméstico que procura um programa de projetos 3D de fácil operação ou até mesmo para quem trabalha com projetos de decoração e quer praticidade e rapidez para ensaios de decoração. Com Sweet Home 3D você poderá projetar e decorar ambientes em instantes. Possui uma lista de objetos (móveis e outros componentes) que podem ser incluídos no seu projeto simplesmente arrastando e soltando com o mouse. Objetos adicionais podem ser obtidos no site do desenvolvedor e em outros sites na Internet. Ao final, além de salvar ou imprimir o projeto, você pode gerar um arquivo PDF. Em todos os casos a impressão gerará 3 páginas, uma com a lista de objetos, outra com o plano 2D (planta baixa) e outra com o projeto em 3D. Nas observações abaixo você encontrará ótimas dicas para começar. Faça já seu download! É um programa completo, gratuito e livre de propaganda. Observação: Durante a instalação é possível selecionar o idioma de sua preferência. Depois de instalado, caso o programa não apareça no idioma selecionado, acesse o menu File->Preferences e altere a opção Language para o idioma de sua preferência. O idioma português está disponível, entre outros. DICAS: Antes de iniciar um projeto altere as unidades de medida para centímetros acessando a opção Arquivo->Preferências. Neste mesmo local você pode definir a espessura e altura das novas paredes que irá desenhar. Para desenhar paredes clique no ícone com um sinal de + que aparece na barra superior de ferramentas. Em seguida clique na área quadriculada com o botão esquerdo do mouse para cada trecho de parede que queira desenhar. Ao terminar clique com o botão direito do mouse. É sempre nesta área quadriculada que você irá trabalhar. Para corrigir alguma parede ou outro objeto utilize a ferramenta de seleção, que é a seta que aparece na barra de ferramentas. Para deletar um objeto basta selecioná-lo com a seta e clicar na tecla DELETE. Para rotacionar, redimensionar e outros, selecione o objeto com a seta de seleção e clique em um dos cantos do objeto, de acordo com a função desejada, segure e arraste. Para importar novos objetos (mobília) acesse a opção Mobília->Importar, ou pressione as teclas Ctrl+Shift+I. Na janela de importação clique na opção 'Escolher modelos' para importar objetos nos formatos OBJ, LWS e 3DS presentes no seu computador, ou clique em 'Procurar modelos' para obter modelos adicionais no site do desenvolvedor. A janela que apresenta o ambiente em 3D pode ser rotacionada com o mouse, é só clicar e arrastar em qualquer direção. Para aproximar e afastar o ambiente 3D, selecione a janela 3D com o clique do mouse e utilize o botão de rolagem. Um manual detalhado em língua portuguesa está disponível dentro do próprio programa, atrvés do menu Ajuda ou pressionando a tecla F1. Avaliação do Gr@tis (5 pontos é a nota máxima):

April 2008

3D Canvas

3D Canvas is a real-time 3D modeling and animation tool that incorporates an intuitive drag-and-drop approach to 3D modeling. Complex models can be constructed from simple 3D primitives, or created using 3D Canvas' Object Building Tools. Modeling tools are provided to deform, sculpt, and paint 3D objects. Creating an animated scene is as simple as positioning the objects within your scene for each point in time in your animation. 3D Canvas will ensure that the resulting animation runs smoothly. Your animation can be stepped through a frame at a time, viewed in real-time, or recorded to a Video (AVI) file so that you can distribute your creation. Tool roll-up groups allow you to customize the 3D Canvas interface so that only those items you use most frequently are visible. And if you need access to a less frequently used feature, the tool roll-up is always one click away. The standard version of 3D Canvas is a fully functional product provided as freeware. Upgrades are available for those who require additional features either for game development or for rendering photo-realistic images.

art of illusion

by 5 others
Art of Illusion is a free, open source 3D modelling and rendering studio. It is written entirely in Java, and should be usable on any Java Virtual Machine which is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or later. The current version is 2.5.1, released Oct. 21, 2007. This version is both stable and powerful enough to be used for serious, high end animation work. Many of its capabilities rival those found in commercial programs. Some of the highlights include subdivision surface based modelling tools, skeleton based animation, and a graphical language for designing procedural textures and materials. Click here to download the program. If you want some idea of what Art of Illusion is capable of, take a look at the screenshots and art gallery. We now have an extensive documentation section. This includes the user manual, as well as a number of tutorials covering different aspects of the program. Discussion forums, bug reporting, and much more can be accessed through the SourceForge project page for Art of Illusion. Art of Illusion may be freely distributed and modified under the terms of the Free Software Foundation's General Public License. To download the source code, click here. Are you interesting in contributing to Art of Illusion? I would love to have your help! Click here for a list of suggested projects for both programmers and non-programmers. Comments and suggestions are always welcome! I can be reached at But if you're looking for help with a problem, you'll probably get a much quicker answer by posting to the discussion forums.