public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags & "social network"

October 2008 »

The Inner Bop Circle reviews what shall stand The Test of Time ! Yo Yo Ma, Sarah Brightman,Bach,-Henry Miller, Carlos Fuentes John Dos Passos,- ManhattenTransfer, Lou Donaldson, Bud Powell,Lennie Tristano, Ken Nordine,-Mickey Mouse, Cartoons,Animation, and the Winner Just May be the Puppett ! Related articles by Zemanta » cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel

cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel Audi corporate logo Image via Wikipedia Evolution of Logos To me, the most interesting evolutions are the ones that result from multiple companies merging (like the Audi logo above). (via swissmiss) cubicle17 | a tumblelog by Bill Israel.

August 2008

digital-with-reblog » About Me- Christopher Finke

About Me- Christopher Finke Filed under: — Tags: Add-on, Firefox, Google, IBM, Jason Calacanis, Knol, Mahalo, Steve Rubel — Digtital Move's @ 9:09 am Image representing Mahalo as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase, source unknown I enjoy seeing people who work at firms and are allowed to also produce for the Blogging Community and donate their work ! Another example is Wordle produced by a gentleman at IBM