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20 October 2008 » Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education

Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education DETROIT - SEPTEMBER 28: Democratic presidenti... Image by Getty Images via Daylife It is time now for Detroit Parents to get a New City Council ! Kids who don’t learn don’t earn ! Obama Learned ! Taking a Closer Look at Detroit Schools - On Education Related articles by Zemanta

12 October 2008 » Op-Ed Columnist - The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama -

Op-Ed Columnist - The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama - The Audacity of Hope Image via Wikipedia This Article is why Good Newspaper’s Are Necessary ! “But we’re not at Election Day yet, and if voters are to have their final say, both America and Obama have to get there safely. The McCain campaign has crossed the line between tough negative campaigning and inciting vigilantism, and each day the mob howls louder. The onus is on the man who says he puts his country first to call off the dogs, pit bulls and otherwise.” By FRANK RICH

26 September 2008 » Auditor’s report urges changes for the mayor’s office | | Detroit Free Press

Auditor’s report urges changes for the mayor’s office | | Detroit Free Press Detroit Free Press Image via Wikipedia This article does not go far enough they should publish the names and salaries of people in the departments responsible for the the data then as a Taxed entity in the city sub peona the books ! Auditor’s report urges changes for the mayor’s office | | Detroit Free Press.