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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags java & j2ee


5 things you didn't know about command-line flags for the JVM

Java virtual machines come with hundreds of command-line options, which more experienced Java developers can use to tune the Java runtime. Learn how to monitor and log compiler performance, disable explicit garbage collection (System.gc();), extend the JRE, and more.

Evolutionary architecture and emergent design: Leveraging reusable code - Part 2

Once you identify idiomatic patterns in code, the next step is to harvest and use them. Understanding the relationship between design and code can facilitate the discovery of reusable code. In Part-2 learn two techniques for harvesting idiomatic patterns: capturing patterns as APIs and using metaprogramming techniques.

Evolutionary architecture and emergent design: Leveraging reusable code - Part 1

Once you identify idiomatic patterns in code, the next step is to harvest and use them. Understanding the relationship between design and code can facilitate the discovery of reusable code. In Part-1, learn the relationship between code and design.

Debugging and testing Swing the easy way

The two open source tools that this article introduces — Swing Explorer and FEST-Swing — can make debugging and testing of Swing UIs simple and reliable. This article shows how to use them to understand a UI's structure, test how it functions, and troubleshoot issues.


Patching in Eclipse Galileo

Eclipse Galileo includes new features for applying patches. This article provides an overview of the method for creating and applying patches, and includes an overview of the patch format used by Eclipse. Here are examples of creating simple patches.

The pitfalls and solutions of Java Benchmarking

Program performance is always a concern, even in this era of high-performance hardware. This article, the first in a two-part series, guides you around the many pitfalls associated with benchmarking Java code. Part 2 covers the statistics of benchmarking and offers a framework for performing Java benchmarking.

New to Java programming?

This provides an overview of Java technology basics and explains how the technology fits into the context of contemporary software development. Links to relevant introductory Java content, other educational resources, as well as IBM downloads and products give you a rich starting point for further investigation.

IBM Java Developer Kit for Linux

The IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java 2 Technology Edition is a development kit and runtime environment that contains IBM's just-in-time compiler, enhanced with a unique Mixed Mode Interpreter and a re-engineered Java 2 virtual machine. This update includes enhancements to the JIT compiler, garbage collection technology, JVM serviceability, and an updated XML parser for Java.

Use real-time Java to reduce variability in Java applications

Some Java applications fail to provide reasonable quality of service despite achieving other performance goals, such as average latency or overall throughput. This article explains the root causes of delays and interruptions in a JVM and describes techniques you can use to mitigate them so that your applications deliver more consistent service quality.

Know the trade-offs of a High Performance strategy

Your application can maintain fast processing times while still supporting some degree of data integrity and consistency — but you need to be aware of the trade-offs involved. Learnhow to implement a transaction strategy for high-performance applications.

Identify Real-time Java memory integrity

The new IBM Real Time Application Execution Optimizer for Java can identify memory requirements for the heap, for scopes, and for other memory areas in use and determine the persistent memory characteristics of allocated objects. It also verifies the integrity of real-time Java memory usage in your applications.

Enhancing the Scala Twitter library for Java Clients

Make it substantially easier to access Twitter than just opening an HTTP connection and doing the work by hand as well as making Twitter easily accessible to Java clients and Java developers. With this new Scala Scitter library you wont have too much to do to get started leveraging the Twitter API.

Java failure postmortem diagnostics with Apache Kato

The artifacts produced when your Java application fails can help you analyse the root causes of the failure. This article shows how you can analyse problems with your Java code using the artifacts produced when your application unexpectedly terminates.

Now HeapAnalyzer automatically detects invalid heap dumps

HeapAnalyzer, a graphical tool for discovering Java heap leaks, has released Version 3.7 that automatically detects invalid heap dump formats and processing. See how HeapAnalyzer analyzes Java heap dumps by parsing the Java heap dump, creating directional graphs, transforming them into directional trees, and executing the heuristic search engine.

Optimizing N-tier J2EE apps on UNIX

Optimization should be a part of every application's deployment and maintenance process. This article explores techniques for identifying and addressing problem areas in existing applications and highlighted N-tier J2EE, Java coding, and JVM optimizations that can improve the performance of both new and existing applications.

JSP technology -- friend or foe?

JSP technology, part of Sun's J2EE platform and programming model, serves as a solution to the common dilemma of how to turn drab content into a visually appealing presentation layer. The fact is, Web developers aren't uniformly happy with JSP technology. Since many variations on the Sun technology are now available, you can choose from a number of presentation technologies. This article takes an in-depth look at JSP coding and explores some attractive alternatives. The question is in todays Web 2.0 and above world, is JSP still useful.


Little-G: The downsized application server that could

In an effort to build a simple, lightweight, but useful container for Web applications, the folks at Apache created Apache Geronimo Little-G, a stripped-down version of the original Geronimo application server. It has most of the commonly used J2EE-compliant features, including a full Web container, a transaction manager, and database connectivity. In this article, you'll discover the features of Little-G and learn how to deploy and run Web applications on it.