public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags java & "web application"

April 2009

Build a RESTful service on CICS with PHP

This tutorial shows how you can use Java, and PHP to quickly and easily work with CICS programs and expose them on the Web. If you are a PHP developer, find out how you can use your PHP skills to interact with enterprise assets in CICS; if you are a CICS developer, see how PHP provides a simple and agile way to manipulate your existing resources.

Avoid the gotchas of Agile planning

Are you part of a team that wants to get on board the agile planning bandwagon? Are you using iterative development and still stuck doing "waterations"? This article answers the question, "How do I start developing releases with agile planning?". It shows what worked, as well as the mistakes made, to illustrate a coherent and realistic understanding of the basics of agile planning.

February 2009

Power-Lift with JSF and Dojo widgets

By leveraging JSF with Dojo technologies, you gain the strengths of both technologies. On the server side, the benefits include end-to-end lifecycle management for components, back-end bean data binding, and event handling. On the client side, you can utilize Dojo's rich widgets, live animations (such as fade and slide), and drag-and-drop. This article explains this process and describes how you can easily build Web applications to give your users a better experience.

Deploying an Eclipse-based application with Java Web Start

Java Web Start (JWS) technology allows you to deploy applications over the Internet with a single click. If you couple JWS with the ability to build an application on the Eclipse Platform, you have a pretty powerful combination. Learn how to build a small, bare-bones application built on the Eclipse Framework and deploy it through Java Web Start (JWS) — a technology you can use to deploy Java applications easily over standard Internet sites, enabling easy upgrades and distribution.