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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags programming & javascript


Build Android apps using XML and JavaScript Object Notation Part 2

Part 2 examines the manner in which Webkit-hosted JavaScript code exchanges data with Java code in an Android application. Explore techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet—XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)—on the Android platform.

Build Android apps using XML and JavaScript Object Notation Part 1

Explore techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet—XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)—on the Android platform. This first part covers the basics of XML and JSON and shows you how to build an Android application that parses and displays a Twitter status-update feed provided in both formats.


New JSF 2 features for Event handling, JavaScript, and Ajax

One of JSF's biggest selling points is that it is a component-based framework. Find out how to use the framework's new event model and built-in support for Ajax to make your reusable components all the more powerful.

Understanding the 5 must have jQuery advanced concepts

jQuery makes writing a good JavaScript-based Web application easy and straightforward, but turning a good app into a great app can be accomplished with just a few extra advanced jQuery steps. This article introduced you to 5 concepts that can help your good jQuery code become great jQuery code.

Knee deep in the Twitter REST API

Twitter provides an API so Web developers can enable their users to access the various features that the Twitter site provides. In this article, learn the basics of using the Twitter REST API. Get started with a simple examples, then build your Twitter API skills. The ability to pull specific information from the Twitter Stream is endless.

Create and get your jQuery plug-in listed

jQuery lets you create your own plug-ins to extend the functions of jQuery—and to give back to the jQuery community. This article steps you through the process for creating your own jQuery plug-in and as well as getting it listed on the jQuery plug-in community Web pages. Be a part of the JQuery JavaScript library many have grown to depend on.

High-performance Ajax with Tomcat Advanced I/O

Using Non-Blocking I/O (NIO) improves server performance drastically because of its efficient use of system resources (threads). The gain in performance is very noticeable in Ajax applications. It also lets you control system-resource usage on a server under pressure. This article explains how to optimize your server for performance during the handling of both Ajax and regular requests.

build sophisticated web widgets using the Dojo Javascript Toolkit

Dojo is an open source, JavaScript-based toolkit for developing dynamic HTML Web applications. Dojo allows you to quickly build widgets that can be more complex than standard HTML widgets. The goal of this article is to give you the basics for developing HTML widgets starting with simple widgets and moving up to more complex ones using Dojo.

Add Ajax and JSON to Java EE apps using JSP talibs

Learn how to use configurable JavaServer Pages (JSP) TagLib-based controls that leverage JavaScript Serialized Object Notation (JSON), JavaScript scripting language, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Because they are standard JSP TagLib controls, find out how you can easily drop them into any Java EE application to provide more intuitive and responsive user user interfaces.

Implementing RPC for JavaScript using Ajax and Java code

This article shows how to implement a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for Web applications that use JavaScript on both servers and clients. You'll also learn several interesting techniques, such as implementing Java interfaces with JavaScript, building an XMLHttpRequest wrapper, making Ajax debugging easier, and using JSP tag files to generate JavaScript code.

Using E4X on the server-side with Jaxer

Running JavaScript on the server is not some oddity. The ECMAScript for XML (E4X) standard gives JavaScript developers a powerful API to work with XML. In this article, you can see how JavaScript and E4X make it easy to work with XML on the server. Combine this key ingredient with Jaxer to create Ajax applications using nothing but JavaScript.

Building jQuery functions beyond the original library

The separation of jQuery from alternative JavaScript libraries such as mootools, yui, and prototype.js has become even more pronounced as of late. And now even Microsoft has chosen to use jQuery as the only JavaScript library included in its Visual Studio suite. The popularity of jQuery owes a lot to its decision to include a plug-in architecture for third-party developers. This article describes this plug-in architecture and explains how jQuery can help your Web application behave just like a desktop application.

The five best practices for SOA Web 2.0

In this article, two experienced SOA architects look at the new world of Web 2.0 technologies with a critical eye and present five best practices that can help you be more successful in adopting Ajax, REST, and other Web 2.0 technologies as part of your SOA. There are several major areas in which they have learned some very painful lessons. They share these with you to spare you similar distress, and to help you get a jump on your SOA Web 2.0 success.

Ajax Localized client-side validation messaging

Its very difficult to display internationalized validation messages when the validation is being done at the client side. Using Ajax is one option to make your life easier. This article discusses using Ajax and resource bundles together to make the process of internationalized/localized client-side validation messaging a little easier.

The easiest Ajax and DOM scripting with jQuery

After learning jQuery, I've had a lot more fun programming in the JavaScript language. All the boring stuff is taken care of, so I can focus on coding the juicy stuff. With jQuery, I can barely remember the last time I wrote a for loop. I even cringe at the thought of working with other JavaScript libraries. jQuery has honestly and truly changed the way I look at JavaScript programing forever. Learn about the jQuery philosophy, discover its features and functions, perform some common Ajax tasks, and find out how to extend jQuery with plug-ins.


Now JavaScript programmers have their own Eclipse tool

JSEclipse — an Eclipse plug-in that provides many of those same features for JavaScript applications. JSEclipse gives JavaScript developers he same ease of use that Eclipse has been providing in the Java language. This tutorial covers the JSEclipse tool, which plugs into Eclipse and provides features like code completion and templates.

Memory leak patterns in JavaScript

Plugging memory leaks in JavaScript is easy enough when you know what causes them. This article walks you through the basics of circular references in JavaScript and explain why they can cause problems in certain browsers, especially when combined with closures. After seeing some of the common memory leak patterns you should watch out for, you'll learn a variety of easy ways to work around them.

Learning from Ajax's best

This article looks at some of the best of the new breed of Web applications to show what you can learn from them -- the proud tradition of imitating the best. I'm sure the sites won't mind, after all imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. It's important to consider how the best use Ajax features along with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) to create a compelling user experience.

Are you tired of the boring repetition involved with DOM scripting and Ajax, then take a look at jQuery.

Unlike similar JavaScript libraries, jQuery has a unique philosophy that allows you to express common complex code succinctly. Learn how to extend jQuery with plug-ins.

Ajax pros leverage JSON at just the right time

Finding the best solution to a problem, rather than just a solution is the key to developing Ajax applications. Plain text and XML are both good data formats that you can use for sending and receiving information in your asynchronous applications, but have you tried JSON? It allows you to easily turn JavaScript objects into data and makes moving data and objects around in your applications easier.

Five Ajax anti-patterns to avoid like the plague

by 1 other
If people did everything right the first time, the world would be entirely different. So it is with Ajax. There's a lot about Ajax to learn, and there are a lot of mistakes to make along the way. This article discusses some very common Ajax coding practices that can hurt you, and will want to avoid.

Five best practice Ajax design patterns

Sure, Ajax is the Web 2.0 buzzword that everyone wants associated with their site. But what does it really mean? And how are engineers integrating it into their sites at an architectural level. This article covers the basics of Ajax and shows some Ajax design patterns that have become proven best practice with Web 2.0 development.

Quickly add Ajax-style navigation with Rico LiveGrid widget

The Rico library is a JavaScript file that you can include in any Web page to give that page access to a rich set of features and widgets. This article will briefly introduce you to the Rico open-source, client-side JavaScript framework, and then focus on one of its widgets, LiveGrid. It will demonstrate how you can implement LiveGrid to add Ajax-style navigation to your Web applications.

Simplify JavaScript complex behavior with Finite State

Software engineers have long used finite state machines as an organizing principle for developing event-driven programs. Browser-based applications, popularized by Ajax, are becoming more complex. Designers and implementers can benefit from the discipline and structure that finite state machines offer. In this article, you, learn how to use a finite state machine to design complex behavior for a simple Web widget -- an animated tooltip that fades into and out of view.


Do Ruby on Rails with Ajax nails

JavaScript is often ridiculed as the black sheep of programming languages. Nearly every Web developer has cursed JavaScript at one time or another. Until recently, many developers had all but written off JavaScript as a necessary evil at best or a toy at worst. But JavaScript is becoming increasingly important. See why it remains the most broadly available scripting language for Web development and a better choice for developing modern applications.