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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags programming & web


SmartCamp Bangalore is an Entrepreneur Mentor Goldmine

Our first SmartCamp of 2011 will be in Bangalore, India in April. With a population of over 1 billion plus, and home to some of the biggest tech companies in world, it comes as no surprise that international investors have been actively enagaged with the local communitities for many years. We believe that our mentor network is a real goldmine and the best reason to apply for SmartCamp.

Going Global: VCs, CEOs and Entrepreneurs provide Best Practices

The panel has significant experience bringing US companies to foreign markets as well as into the US. They capture many of the Best Practices companies and city leaders should be thinking about as they look to find their unique place in this global marketplace.

Startup Madness: Groupon's Super Bowl commercial was quite possibly the least tasteful of all time

Before Super Bowl XLV, there was wide speculation about who would win the Super Bowl ads war between Groupon and LivingSocial. Most people were betting that Groupon would win Big-Time, and they did if you define winning, in this case, as making the biggest Bonehead marketing blunder of the year.

KickStarter's Awesome $27 Million in Crowdsourced Seed Money for Startups

What's really cool about KickStarter is you have absolutely nothing to loose and everything to gain. All you have to do is present your Project/Startup idea, ask for the seed money you need, and like magic the masses of KisckStarter and the world give you a thumbs-up or down, and the Thumbs-Up can be very surprising indeed!

IBM and Obama help put Cold-Hard-Cash in Startups hands

You're a tireless Entrepreneur working long hard hours - you need cash to hire key hackers to finish your code and launch your awesome dream - If that sounds like you, then you should jump on this opportunity to get seed money from the White House-led Startup America campaign and IBM.


Manage blogs on AIX with open source CMS tools

By combining open source Web Content Management System (CMS) and AIX you get a complete, highly secure, scalable, and ready-to-use content management tool with extensive support from the open source community. This article introduces the best open source CMS solutions for AIX available, and helps readers understand the important differences among them. The article also provides a guideline for system architects and developers to help them choose the CMS that best fits their needs.

Serious considerations before upgrading to PHP 5.3

PHP V5.3 has numerous new features such as namespaces, closures, object handling, object-oriented programming, and Phar. There are also some backward-compatibility issues you should be aware of with PHP v5.2. This article provides clear guidance for migrating your Web application to work with PHP V5.3. and for building more powerful and secure PHP apps.

Creating and using the new Phar archives in PHP V5.3

This article takes a close look at the new PHP5.3 feature called Phar, which is an archive format that can be used within PHP. Phar can be used to not only archive files but also to deliver and run an entire PHP application from a single file. Unlike JAR archives, Phar archives can be processed by PHP itself and don't require an external tool to create or use them.

Deploying an Eclipse-based application with Java Web Start

Java Web Start (JWS) technology allows you to deploy applications over the Internet with a single click. If you couple JWS with the ability to build an application on the Eclipse Platform, you have a pretty powerful combination. Learn how to build a small, bare-bones application built on the Eclipse Framework and deploy it through Java Web Start (JWS) — a technology you can use to deploy Java applications easily over standard Internet sites, enabling easy upgrades and distribution.

Building a 21st century Web user interface

Today's Web designer has to face a pretty scary fact: they can't design for themselves, or even someone that's mostly like themselves. Instead, applications must be built based on the consumer, who comes loaded with expectation and pre-disposition. This article helps you Understand what your apps are competing against, how do you build applications that feel usable, intuitive, and satisfying to today's typical Internet user, and how to take the upper hand.


The latest on Eclipse Ganymede Mobile Embedded RCP apps

This three-part "Using Eclipse Ganymede to develop for the desktop, Web and mobile devices" tutorial series covers the following new Ganymede features: RCP, RAP, and eRCP, which allow you to develop software for the desktop, Web, and mobile platforms. Part 3, just released, is here, and links for Part-2 and Part-1 as well.


Five best practice Ajax design patterns

Sure, Ajax is the Web 2.0 buzzword that everyone wants associated with their site. But what does it really mean? And how are engineers integrating it into their sites at an architectural level. This article covers the basics of Ajax and shows some Ajax design patterns that have become proven best practice with Web 2.0 development.

PHP5's special XML parsing techniques for complex docs

PHP5 offers an improved variety of XML parsing techniques. James Clark's Expat SAX parser, now based on libxml2, is no longer the only fully functional game in town. Parsing with the DOM, fully compliant with the W3C standard, is a familiar option. Both SimpleXML, and XMLReader, which is easier and faster than SAX, offer additional parsing approaches. This article will cover PHP5's improved XML parsing techniques, focusing on parsing large or complex XML documents.

Flying Flapjax Better-than-JavaScript for the Web

Flapjax, an improved way to build Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) applications, offers more than just a library of conveniences. This tutorial emphasizes simple, self-contained steps to successfully apply Flapjax to real-world problems. Learn how to write and run simple Flapjax programs in several modes, including a compiled form suitable for deployment.

XML::Simple for Perl developers

XML has become pervasive in the computing world and is buried more and more deeply into modern applications and operating systems. It's imperative for the Perl programmer to develop a good understanding of how to use it. In a surprisingly large number of cases, you only need one tool to integrate XML into a Perl application, XML::Simple. This article tells you where to get it, how to use it, and where to go next.

Memory-efficient XML parsing in PHP with XMLReader

PHP 5 introduced XMLReader, a new class for reading Extensible Markup Language (XML). Unlike SimpleXML or the Document Object Model (DOM), XMLReader operates in streaming mode, which enables PHP pages to process XML documents in an efficient streaming mode. That is, it reads the document from start to finish. This makes it very fast, and very efficient.

E-Mail tunes with SoX the Swiss Army knife of sound

This article shows how to create and play back custom sound files based on the content of incoming e-mail messages. SoX -- the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs -- and simple keyword matching will be used to create custom sound files played back upon receipt of e-mail to give you a heads-up on the who, what, and why of your in-box.


Try Lotus Domino Ajax instant messaging

Learn how the power of IBM Lotus Domino and Ajax can add awareness to your Domino Web applications. One reason we love this technique is that it doesn’t load Microsoft ActiveX controls, instantiate a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instance, or require a flash animation player. It is a lightweight, low-tech solution for most clients.

Developing PHP the Ajax way

This article will show you how to speed up PHP application development using the Simple Ajax Toolkit (Sajax).

Devise Web 2.0 applications with PHP and DHTML

This article explains, with easy to understand examples, just how to get coding quickly.