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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags SoftwareLivre & "linux livecd"

29 July 2008 08:30

10 October 2007 07:45

14 September 2007 20:15

14 September 2007 19:45

Puppy live-CD

I tried lots of Linuxes on my PC. All are too slow. LiveCD are better. But the Puppy is unbelievably fast (it reminded me BeOS 5PE system - a unique one). I give a word to use only Puppy for the future. No.1 ! *

14 September 2007 19:30

14 September 2007 09:30

knoppix for kids [mirror1] [mirror2] [mirror3] (md5sum: b838e362a364a2db2805fc6fe39e089d)

14 September 2007 09:15

13 September 2007 14:30

FreeFEUP - Downloads

A FEUP tem um serviço de mirrors onde se pode descarregar muito do software livre disponível. "Este serviço, criado pelo NEACM, surgiu devido à necessidade de fazer uma base de dados de todos os mirrors que se encontram alojados na FEUP."

09 August 2007 00:45

19 June 2007 20:15

KDE Four Live CD

by 3 others
Description The CD contains all modules of KDE 4, KOffice 2 SVN and Amarok 2 SVN. The week 24 snapshot is rather broken: you have to manually start kwin via Alt-F1 -> System -> Terminal and applications may not start from the panel, run them from that terminal. Checksums 029d80aeb4d0fc15c27a06f4f74ed1d5 KDE-Four-Live.i686-0.1.0.iso 31ddb10250a41377ebbeafbf45463ca3 KDE-Four-Live.i686-0.1.1.iso Usage (Decompress and) burn, or use in QEmu, VirtualBox, VMWare, ... Users Password for 'root' is 'linux' Password for 'linux' is 'linux' More Information