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11 June 2009 18:30

User account | Debian/Ubuntu Tips & Tricks

News.Debuntu.Org * Ubuntu aims for ten-second boot time with 10.04 * Fair is Fair - Ubuntu Netbook Remix * Torvalds proclaims 'new world order' with Linux 2.6.30 * The Adobe AIR File API * Record "DreamBox dm 500 S" On Linux Over HTTP Stream

11 June 2009 18:15

How To: editing subtitles with subtitleeditor | Debian/Ubuntu Tips & Tricks

How To: editing subtitles with subtitleeditor Your password and further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address. In a previous article, I introduced gsubedit, a GNOME Subtitle Editor for linux using GTK. It was the best subtitles editor I'd ever found for linux. Recently, I found a new project, that even it is quite young, has a lot to offer. Namely subtitleeditor. It supports any kind of subtitles format, allows you to move, change framerate and much more. Here is an introduction to subtitleeditor. Subtitleeditor is GTK 2 subtitle editor sofware released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), it makes subtitles editing really easy, in a few clicks you can create subtitles, change the framerate, move subtitles... Here is the full list of featrues:

User account | Debian/Ubuntu Tips & Tricks

News.Debuntu.Org * Ubuntu aims for ten-second boot time with 10.04 * Fair is Fair - Ubuntu Netbook Remix * Torvalds proclaims 'new world order' with Linux 2.6.30 * The Adobe AIR File API * Record "DreamBox dm 500 S" On Linux Over HTTP Stream

11 June 2009 18:00