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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags software & graphics


Linux: Drivers da placa de vídeo ATI - agora com melhor suporte a OpenGL [Dica]

Drivers da placa de vídeo ATI - agora com melhor suporte a OpenGL Linux user Publicado por Aaron Kim Binner da Silva em 29/03/2009 Login: aaron.binner, 18516 pontos Homepage: [ Hits: 1420 ] Favoritos Dica Linux tela cheia Versão para impressora Indicar Dica Linux Indicar para um amigo Escrever dica Linux Enviar dica Drivers da placa de vídeo ATI - agora com melhor suporte a OpenGL Durante a atualização do meu sistema, verifiquei a disponibilidade de uma atualização do driver da ATI. No entanto o driver não compilava de jeito nenhum. Para solucionar este problema devemos recompilar o kernel com a opção CONFIG_PCI_MSI=y. O caminho segue logo abaixo: Bus options (PCI etc.) ---> [*] Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI and MSI-X)

Graphics Drivers & Software

Graphics Drivers & Software Please select your operating system, product family and the product and then select GO.

2009 QPhoton: Files

You have selected the V0.2.0 release. Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of files contained in this release. QPhoton: Files

QPhoton is a multiplatform (MS Windows/Linux) open source photo viewer and photo editor with scripting capabilities and plugin interface. QPhoton

QPhoton is a multiplatform (MS Windows/Linux) open source photo viewer and photo editor with scripting capabilities and plugin interface. Software Search

QPhoton is a multiplatform (MS Windows/Linux) open source photo viewer and photo editor with scripting capabilities and plugin interface.


Software Livre: Uma filosofia — - Arte, Design & Software Livre

Software Livre: Uma filosofia por Eduardo Santos — Última modificação 09/09/2008 00:44 O que impulsiona o Movimento pelo Software Livre não é o fato de o mesmo ser "Economicamente viável" ou "Tecnologicamente sustentável", mas sim o fato de ser "Socialmente Justo"

Google SketchUp

by 25 others (via)
Google SketchUp is 3D for everyone Google SketchUp is software that you can use to create, modify and share 3D models. It's easier to learn than other 3D modeling programs, which is why so many people are already using it.


by 1 other (via)
Pencil is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.

Informação de Aplicação - Pencil

Pencil Pencil is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics. Pencil is free and open source.

Linux: Xmorph: Efeitos de transformação de fotos com software livre [Artigo]

O efeito morph em computação gráfica é definido como efeito orgânico de transformação gradativa de um ser (ou objeto) para outro, baseado em pontos similares das duas imagens. O efeito morph difere da simples fusão porque dá a impressão de que o primeiro objeto derreteu-se e remodulou-se até tomar a forma do outro.

k3d: Experimenting with godliness (NOT k-3d)

Here's any tuts that I or someone else has made for this page. Anything doing with 3d coding can go under here. If you want to write one, make sure it is 3d coding or anything to get a framework to do 3d coding. Tuts on opening windows in Windows or X11; using OpenGL, D3D, Glide, or any other 3d api; writting a 3d software renderer; the math behind 3d; event pipelining; networking; optimizing; or anything else could possible go here. Making a 3d engine is going to span nearly every reach of programming known.


Free Downloads Center - software and free game downloads

by 13 others
Photo Toolkit Photo Toolkit is a powerful and easy-to-learn solution to improve a large collection of digital photos. You can correct colors and remove red eyes in batch-mode, correct skin imperfection, add light and more right from Windows Explorer or Picture Viewer.


by 1 other
CinePaint is a collection of free open source software tools for deep paint manipulation and image processing. CinePaint is used for motion picture frame-by-frame retouching, dirt removal, wire rig removal, render repair, background plates, and 3d model textures. It's been used on many feature films, including The Last Samurai where it was used to add flying arrows. It's also being used by pro photographers who need greater color fidelity than is available in other tools

Autodesk - Home

Novidades Economize até 15% Atualize seu software Autodesk 2005 antes do dia 16 de Outubro de 2007 e economize até 15% Autodesk cresce e inaugura nova sede em São Paulo Escritório abriga sede administrativa e conta com espaço para demonstrações e treinamento.

Linux software [] Multimedia

Audio @ 108 Applications Graphics @ 113 Applications Video 26 Applications