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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags health & heart


Six Foods That Boost Heart Health

The majorities of baby boomers are looking for a way to loose weight and lower their cholesterol. Both of these are two important factors in heart disease, which still remains the number one killer in the United States.

Dark Chocolate for Heart Health

Medical science is actually telling us to eat dark chocolate for heart health. How is this possible? Up until now, we’ve always thought chocolate was bad for us!

Don t Go Breaking Your Heart

Recent studies have shown that inflammation is closely linked to many health disorders including cancer, diabetes, DNA damage, and heart disease.


Heart Disease, Lung Cancer and COPD - The 3 Causes of Death

Smoking, whether it is cigarettes, cigars or a pipe, is strongly linked to developing health conditions such as heart disease and lung cancer. Besides these serious diseases, smoking may also be the cause of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

What is the Gensona Heart Health Genetic Test?

In the last decade, studies in men and women have shown that inflammation is an important risk factor for heart disease, perhaps equal in importance to unhealthy cholesterol levels . Recent scientific discoveries indicate that some of the risk for cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, is due to variations in the genes that we inherit.

Top 10 Tips For Better Heart Health

1. Fill up on fiber. Not only does fiber help lower levels of LDL ( quot;bad quot;) cholesterol, it can aid weight management. Being overweight raises your risk of heart failure by a third, while being obese doubles it. While two-thirds of Americans are too heavy, only half get enough fiber.

Does Green Tea Lower Heart Disease Risk?

All right, this green tea article has been hanging over my head for too long. I just couldn t get motivated to wade through all the research to determine if yes, this is an effective way to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease, or no, it s just a lot of hype.

What Causes A Heart Attack?

The heart is a muscular pump that needs a continuous supply of oxygen. It obtains oxygen from the blood, which flows to the heart muscle through arteries on the heart s surface. These arteries are called the coronary arteries.

6 Tips For Heart Health Wellness

Forget about the hardest working man in show business. What about the hardest working organ in your body, your heart? It untiringly beats whether you are awake or asleep, pushing blood all over your body and supplying you with oxygenated blood. Do you take as good care with your heart as you need to?


Smoking and Heart

In 1964, the Surgeon General presented a Report on Smoking and Health, which featured clear scientific evidence on harmful effects of cigarettes upon our health. Today, more than forty years later, researchers have published piles of proven materials on health hazards of smoking and have shown that thisbad habit is even more dangerous that was previously believed.

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