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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags health & with

January 2010

Causes of Skin Allergy: Nickel, Rubber and Poison Ivy

An unusual body reaction (such as itching, redness, rash, swelling and hives) to a direct contact of something with the skin in called allergic contact dermatitis.

Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo

For those who do not agree with the tricks Mother Nature plays on them by thinning their hair, scientists discover all kinds of solutions. One of the options offered is a hair loss prevention shampoo.

5 Antibiotics For Acne Cure - Reasons To Be Cautious Using T

When puberty begins, young people begin to experience a wide variety of developmental physical, physiological and emotional changes. The obvious physical changes include beard and muscle development in young males, and young females, with the onset of menses, also start to develop breasts and wider hips.

Antibiotics and Acne - What You Need to Know

For some, suffering from acne becomes such a problem that no cream or ointment seems to be able to cure the problem. A lifetime of struggling with painful and unsightly spots has lead to medical research into medicinal help for acne, and is therefore available to those suffering from long term acne problems.

Make Herbal Skin Care Products at Home

There were times when herbs were the only way to take care of skin. With the development of chemistry and cosmetics people started forgetting about herbs and their power to take care of overall health.

December 2009

Girls Start Smoking While Dieting

The motives to start smoking are different for various groups of people. Some feel stress and need to cope with it as they used to do in childhood: by sticking something in their mouths, but instead of a pacifier, adults prefer cigarettes.

November 2009

American Diet Causes Hair Loss

American diet does not only ruin health and make people fat, the meals high in fat, animal protein, and salt lead to hair loss. Paul Pitchford in Healing with Whole Foods explains that American diet brings damage to kidneys and changes acidity of blood.

Facts Behind Hair Loss In Men

Going bald is a fact of life for millions of men. Adults lose about 10,000 scalp hairs each and every day. Hair normally lives for around five years. With male pattern baldness these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear.

September 2009

Smoking for Stress Relief

All people experience stress from time to time and they cope with it differently. For many of them cigarettes are great helpers which are claimed to calm down the nerves and to relax.

Hair Loss Solution - 5 Effective Treatments To Consider

Although inescapable, hair loss can be prevented with proper care, solutions and treatment. A lot of treatments, topical or surgical, are out there for you to choose from.

4 Ways to Help Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

Life these days is all about rushing here and there, with little time for adequate physical exercise or time to prepare a healthy balanced meal. We are all filled with anxiety and stress as we strive to fulfil our work and family commitments daily.

August 2009

Cure Impotence With your Diet

You have been worrying about it all day long. Finally, another night passes and you are still facing the same problem… you suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction! Impotence plagues almost 30 million men… young and old!

Acne Treatment - Go Natural Or Use Medicine?

A dermatologist can help discuss the different acne treatments currently available including treating acne with laser acne treatment or other acne surgeries. According to some researchers, the primary causes of acne are hormones and genetics, but this cannot account for every case.

July 2009

Confused About Your Hair Loss Solution Choices?

If you are new to finding products to help you with your hair loss, you may be finding the information you encounter a bit confusing. It s really not to hard to know what will work for you.

June 2009

Acne Antibiotic Treatment - Cures Acne With A Difference

Acne antibiotic treatment can successfully restrict bacterial growth mostly around the follicle region and bring about a reduction in the amount of pesky chemicals, which is generally produced by white blood corpuscles.


Geriforte rejuvenates the entire body system and retards the skin changes, associated with aging.

April 2009

Fighting Acne with Home Remedies

Acne is a very common skin condition, affecting women and men of all ages. Also known as pimples, acne can appear on the face and neck, back and shoulders. Although a serious problem, few people suffering from Acne Vulgaris seek medical advice.

March 2009

Natural Weight Loss for Good Health and Well Being

Weight loss is becoming an unhealthy obsession dealing with body images, but in some cases can improve health and fitness. When weight loss is a result of eating healthy, exercising and/or taking natural weight loss supplements in contrast to synthetic prescription drugs with the risk of harmful side effects, weight loss can be effective, rewarding

How to Lower Your Cholesterol With a Proper Diet

Health is something that you cannot ignore at any cost. Especially when it comes to a woman, one must be very much health conscious. Modern world sees most women becoming an integral part of the professional world. At the same time, they do not overlook the role of managing their home and family.

Important of Men s health

Good health is the key to a happy life. In a fast and demanding life, Men’s health unfortunately takes a backseat whereas it should be of prime concern. There are many questions that plague your mind, but answers to these are either insufficient or unavailable. Sometimes one is too lazy or shy to discuss these with the doctor. For a healthy life,

6 Important Facts About Dealing with Depression

Depression and anxiety causes a number of other symptoms, such as sleeplessness or excessive drowsiness, edginess, panic attacks, hallucinations, and many other disturbing symptoms. In today s society, 41% of the population are affected by the plagues of depression - but only 28% actively seek help by the treatment of a physician or mental health c

October 2008

6 Tips For Heart Health Wellness

Forget about the hardest working man in show business. What about the hardest working organ in your body, your heart? It untiringly beats whether you are awake or asleep, pushing blood all over your body and supplying you with oxygenated blood. Do you take as good care with your heart as you need to?

Impotence Cures - Bravenet Blog

Millions of men are looking for impotence help. But most are getting the wrong advice from doctors and are sticking with medications which have more side effects than agent orange. Yet a few million men are discovering why natural health may be the best solution to their erectile dysfunction.

September 2008

Six Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Become Healthier and

A lot of people seem to find their days filled with a lot of things to do and accomplish. As a result, many tend to neglect their physical fitness and health in order to get things done at work and at home.

Discover the 6 Benefits Bananas Provide to Help You Achieve

Eating too much of any one food is not the best way to achieve a healthy weight loss, we all know that. But some foods eaten on a regular basis can provide you with enough health benefits that they will begin to actually accelerate your healthy weight loss!

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