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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags health & how


How to Treat Bacterial Infections Safely?

You must be thinking about the safety of the medications, whenever you buy them. Here is how you can treat the bacterial infections safely. You can use the antibiotics to cure the bacterial infections safely. These drugs can be very helpful in the treatment of the bacterial infections.


How Environmental Factors Can Trigger Asthma

Asthma is a condition that affects millions. There are many factors that contribute too asthma symptoms but environmental factors seem to be the most overlooked.

How to Overcome Psychological Impotence Or Erectile Dysfunc

There is an equal involvement of your body as well as brain in the process of getting an erection and not all cases of erectile dysfunction or impotence result from physical factors.

Dark Chocolate for Heart Health

Medical science is actually telling us to eat dark chocolate for heart health. How is this possible? Up until now, we’ve always thought chocolate was bad for us!

Self-Help Tips to Stop Smoking

Breaking free from addictions is always a tough task and no matter how much extraneous help you may take, self-help is the best help especially when it comes to stop smoking.

How to Lower LDL Cholesterol - 5 Secrets

When your cholesterol levels reach a peak level you risk become at risk for heart attacks, stroke, and other disease caused by clogged arteries. When high levels of LDL cholesterol stick to the walls of your arteries, your risk of clotting increases.

Symptoms That You May Have Intestinal Parasites

Unfortunately, many of us, regardless of our hygienic habits, will acquire intestinal parasites in our lifetime. It s not always a matter of personal cleanliness but rather of what we eat and how we eat it. Sometimes, even our consumption habits are not to blame.

5 Secrets To Cure Male Impotence Naturally

Therefore, if you would like to keep your hearing and eyesight, try out these 5 tips to naturally cure your erectile dysfunction. You will be surprised at how quickly your body can heal itself!

The Most Effective Hair Loss Tips Exposed

Are you looking for the best tips for hair loss? If so, make sure you read this article now to learn how you can stop the disorder for good. By reading this article, you will learn the best and most amazing solutions that you can put into good use today to start getting almost immediate improvement over your current alopecia condition.

Women s Health: The Most Common Causes of Stress and How to

According to Oxford Dictionary, stress can be defined as state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy. This refers to a condition where normal mental and physical health of an individual is affected.

How to Lower Your Cholesterol With a Proper Diet

Health is something that you cannot ignore at any cost. Especially when it comes to a woman, one must be very much health conscious. Modern world sees most women becoming an integral part of the professional world. At the same time, they do not overlook the role of managing their home and family.

The Most Common Causes Of Stress And How To Handle Them

According to Oxford Dictionary, stress can be defined as quot;A state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy quot;. This refers to a condition where normal mental and physical health of an individual is affected. When this unpleasant condition continues without a pause and changes, then amp;


How Smoking Can Take Away Your Health And Life

Despite the dangers that smoking can bring, there are still millions of Americans who enjoy lighting up sticks upon sticks of cigarettes. In fact, figures show that about 25.9 percent of men in the United States are smokers, while about 18.1 percent of women light a cigarette regularly.

Simple Steps on How to Take Blood Pressure Tests For Yoursel

Hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) is one of the most widely diagnosed health issues in the Western world. For those suffering form this condition, it is important to know how to take blood pressure readings.

Erectile Dysfunction - A Six Step Natural Cure

How was erectile dysfunction treated a century ago? Before the era of Viagra, Cialis, and genetic transfer therapy? In the early 1900 s Chas. A. Tyrrell, M.D. published a best selling book entitled The Royal Road To Health, or The Secret of Health Without Drugs.

How to Protect the Health of Hair – Nine Tips from the Pros

1. Make sure you eat a nourishing, nutrient-rich diet that can support the health of your skin and hair. Avoid frequent dieting and veganism. Eat a lot of foods that contain a complete set of amino-acids, especially meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products.

How Cigarettes Harm Our Health

If you are still unaware of this fact, let me remind you - tobacco is one of the most addictive substances on earth. To understand this truth is not a rocket science, since no other narcotic is so frequently and persistently abused by people all over the world. Every cigarette that you smoke at a rate of about 11-12 puffs supplies your body with substantial quantities of different poisons. A heavy smoker who consumes one to two packs a day inhales every year up to 150,000 doses of poisonous smoke.

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