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January 2010

Acne And Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Deficiency

Acne Specialist believes there is a correlation between Vitamin B5 deficiency and acne (the most common skin disease), due to modern food processing.

Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo

For those who do not agree with the tricks Mother Nature plays on them by thinning their hair, scientists discover all kinds of solutions. One of the options offered is a hair loss prevention shampoo.

How to Treat Bacterial Infections Safely?

You must be thinking about the safety of the medications, whenever you buy them. Here is how you can treat the bacterial infections safely. You can use the antibiotics to cure the bacterial infections safely. These drugs can be very helpful in the treatment of the bacterial infections.

Antibiotics and Acne - What You Need to Know

For some, suffering from acne becomes such a problem that no cream or ointment seems to be able to cure the problem. A lifetime of struggling with painful and unsightly spots has lead to medical research into medicinal help for acne, and is therefore available to those suffering from long term acne problems.

December 2009

How Environmental Factors Can Trigger Asthma

Asthma is a condition that affects millions. There are many factors that contribute too asthma symptoms but environmental factors seem to be the most overlooked.

November 2009

Alternatives to Anxiety Medications

Anxiety cannot be avoided. It is a fact of life. Our society is facing a fast-paced lifestyle and sometimes, not all people are inclined into doing things at a faster rate.

Reasons for Weight Loss

There are so many people wanting to lose weight, but what is their primary reason to do so? Many of young girls who are in good shape already still think they have extra pounds to work on and they get skinnier and skinner.

Is Green Tea For Weight loss Helpful?

Do you need something to help you to achieve the weight loss that you are striving for? If your answer is yes, you should try using green tea for weight loss.

Skin Nutrition A Natural Acne Treatment

Who Gets Acne? More than 90% of all adolescents are affected by acne, and nearly 50% of adults. It is one of the most wide spread medical conditions in the world.

Facts Behind Hair Loss In Men

Going bald is a fact of life for millions of men. Adults lose about 10,000 scalp hairs each and every day. Hair normally lives for around five years. With male pattern baldness these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear.

How to Overcome Psychological Impotence Or Erectile Dysfunc

There is an equal involvement of your body as well as brain in the process of getting an erection and not all cases of erectile dysfunction or impotence result from physical factors.

10 Tips For Women To Stay Fit and Healthy

Being a man or a woman has a significant impact on health.The health of women and girls is of particular concern because, in many societies till today, they are disadvantaged by discrimination rooted in socio-cultural factors.

Smoking during Pregnancy

If there exist more or less suitable times to quit smoking, there is probably no better time to do so than when people plan to have a baby. A healthy baby is guaranteed to be born to a healthy mother, but it is rare for those who have some kind of bad habits.

September 2009

Understanding Cholesterol

Cholesterol was discovered in the very beginning of the 20th century, but its importance in the health of people’s bodies is widely proclaimed for only couple of last decades.

Female Infertility and Problems Getting Pregnant

Female infertility can be defined as a condition which is characterized by some defects in the reproductive system which makes it difficult for a woman to get pregnant. Female infertility is categorized into two parts: primary infertility and secondary infertility.

Nutrition for Men's health

Nutrition is essential to men s health. Good nutrition can put a stop to many health problems, including becoming overweight, developing weak bones, and developing diabetes. All the foods that have all the important nutrients will help your body grow.

4 Ways to Help Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

Life these days is all about rushing here and there, with little time for adequate physical exercise or time to prepare a healthy balanced meal. We are all filled with anxiety and stress as we strive to fulfil our work and family commitments daily.

Triphala: the Cure of All Sorrows

Today is the era of smart work rather than hard work. One has to be smart enough to handle all those difficulties and strains in the most apposite fashion. This can only be achieved when you are both mentally and physically fit.

Dark Chocolate for Heart Health

Medical science is actually telling us to eat dark chocolate for heart health. How is this possible? Up until now, we’ve always thought chocolate was bad for us!

August 2009

Self-Help Tips to Stop Smoking

Breaking free from addictions is always a tough task and no matter how much extraneous help you may take, self-help is the best help especially when it comes to stop smoking.

Mens Health Issues, Fitness and Nutrition

Talking about Mens health: Research has shown that men are differently affected by health problems than women even though they may have the same disease. It is a well known fact that heart disease is much more prevalent in men than women and also more likely to be inherited if there is a history of heart related problems in the family.

What Are The Effects Of Weight Loss Supplements

More and more spend hundred and even thousands of dollars yearly on weight loss supplements in the hope of speeding up their metabolism. The main desire is to be attractive and accepted but it is becoming a more difficult goal to achieve.

Why You Should Throw Away Your Hypertension Medication

The best advice I can give for high blood pressure help is you should throw away your hypertension medication! But let me first explain myself before you throw away your expensive high blood pressure pills. As a natural health expert, I tell my customers these three things about hypertension medication.

July 2009

A Guide to Natural Colon Cleansing

Colon cancer is the most prevalent cancer found in both men and women, and each year is increasing in number of diagnosed cases through out the world.

The Benefits of Green Tea to Mens Health

Green Tea is an ingredient that increasingly pops up when discussing mens health concerns. Although its been utilized for hundreds of years for medicinal purposes, it seems like new benefits are being revealed all the time.

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