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PUBLIC MARKS from kzoo with tags health & s

September 2009

Nutrition for Men's health

Nutrition is essential to men s health. Good nutrition can put a stop to many health problems, including becoming overweight, developing weak bones, and developing diabetes. All the foods that have all the important nutrients will help your body grow.

July 2009

Confused About Your Hair Loss Solution Choices?

If you are new to finding products to help you with your hair loss, you may be finding the information you encounter a bit confusing. It s really not to hard to know what will work for you.

Why It s So Hard to Quit Smoking

Did you know that 70% of smokers in the United States today say that they wish they could quit? Why, then, is the tobacco industry making millions of dollars on American smokers?

June 2009

Symptoms That You May Have Intestinal Parasites

Unfortunately, many of us, regardless of our hygienic habits, will acquire intestinal parasites in our lifetime. It s not always a matter of personal cleanliness but rather of what we eat and how we eat it. Sometimes, even our consumption habits are not to blame.

April 2009

Effective Acne Dos and Donts

When you wake up in the morning and notice an ugly zit on your cheek, you want to squeeze it. Stop! That will only worsen your zit. To maintain your skin s softness and get rid of acne, follow some important dos and don ts.

Women s Health: The Most Common Causes of Stress and How to

According to Oxford Dictionary, stress can be defined as state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy. This refers to a condition where normal mental and physical health of an individual is affected.

March 2009

Men s Health Tips - Cholesterol

If you suffer from high cholesterol and want to avoid certain prescription medications, you might benefit from alternative natural health products that have cholesterol-lowering properties. Though a doctor should be consulted before stopping any prescription drugs, using a natural health product might prove to be just as effective if not more so th

Important of Men s health

Good health is the key to a happy life. In a fast and demanding life, Men’s health unfortunately takes a backseat whereas it should be of prime concern. There are many questions that plague your mind, but answers to these are either insufficient or unavailable. Sometimes one is too lazy or shy to discuss these with the doctor. For a healthy life,

Top 10 Causes For Men's Health Issues

According to the researcher who Keep up with the statistics on these matter there could have been a lot of lives saves had they taken some preventive steps to take better care to have symptoms diagnose early.

Reliable Information Answers Men s Sexual Health Questions

As adolescents, boys get their information about sexuality and men s sexual health from their peers. As teens, locker room talk may titillate, but it provides little in the way of accurate information about men s health issues.

6 Important Facts About Dealing with Depression

Depression and anxiety causes a number of other symptoms, such as sleeplessness or excessive drowsiness, edginess, panic attacks, hallucinations, and many other disturbing symptoms. In today s society, 41% of the population are affected by the plagues of depression - but only 28% actively seek help by the treatment of a physician or mental health c

February 2009

Men s Health Advice

Talking about Men s health: Research has shown that men are differently affected by health problems than women even though they may have the same disease. It is a well known fact that heart disease is much more prevalent in men than women and also more likely to be inherited if there is a history of heart related problems in the family.

October 2008

Does Green Tea Lower Heart Disease Risk?

All right, this green tea article has been hanging over my head for too long. I just couldn t get motivated to wade through all the research to determine if yes, this is an effective way to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease, or no, it s just a lot of hype.

What Causes A Heart Attack?

The heart is a muscular pump that needs a continuous supply of oxygen. It obtains oxygen from the blood, which flows to the heart muscle through arteries on the heart s surface. These arteries are called the coronary arteries.

Natural Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction - Natural Cure Fo

Searching for a cure for erectile dysfunction requires a great deal of caution. Since ED is caused by different factors, taking medications are not always advisable. There are instances when a person s current health condition may be unsuitable for the medications available in the market.

September 2008

Erectile Dysfunction - A Six Step Natural Cure

How was erectile dysfunction treated a century ago? Before the era of Viagra, Cialis, and genetic transfer therapy? In the early 1900 s Chas. A. Tyrrell, M.D. published a best selling book entitled The Royal Road To Health, or The Secret of Health Without Drugs.

May 2008

Channel NewsAsia :: View topic - Hair Loss - Alopecia Areata

yes i watched the arts central documentary, chanced upon it when i was switching channels. it s abt Gail Porter who s a Edinbourgh TV presenter who had alopecia totalis or universe, completely bald and no eyebrow within 4 wks and and eyelashes just grew back after 6mths. she s a confused individual. had a lot of prior health problems. quite a hard life...but she seems to be able to deal with it quite well, she still go abt doing her work and looking after her daughter....i guess you can click on youtube and see if there s a video there

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