public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags rubel & adagewordle

20 October 2008 »

The Inner Bop Circle reviews what shall stand The Test of Time ! Yo Yo Ma, Sarah Brightman,Bach,-Henry Miller, Carlos Fuentes John Dos Passos,- ManhattenTransfer, Lou Donaldson, Bud Powell,Lennie Tristano, Ken Nordine,-Mickey Mouse, Cartoons,Animation, and the Winner Just May be the Puppett ! Related articles by Zemanta

29 September 2008 » Micro Persuasion-Time Management!

Micro Persuasion-Time Management! Bose–Einstein condensate Image via Wikipedia Interesting how cleverly Steve Rubel creates a time management system! Micro Persuasion. My webtips Alda Events - Above and Beyond | 'Beeld van c Mijn Woordenboek. Online verta

26 September 2008 » Search - Authenticities - Edelman Digital

Search - Authenticities - Edelman Digital An advertising insert that ran in issue 27; th... Image via Wikipedia Still one of my best resources for Social Media Data ! Search - Authenticities - Edelman Digital. Related articles by Zemanta

29 August 2008

digital-with-reblog » Steve Rubel

August 28, 2008 Steve Rubel Filed under: — Tags: Blog, Edelman, edelman digital, Google, Juggling, Public relations, Steve Rubel, Twitter — Digtital Move's @ 7:53 pm Octavio Rojas y Steve Rubel en las oficinas de...Image by Octavio Rojas via Flickr This another of my favorites at Edelman Digital ! is a playground of ideas, introductions, and synergies. Marshal exhibits a blogging style that is less about tamping out his thoughts and more about the juggling, rearranging, juxtaposing, and syndicating of the content of other people and companies - a communications cubism of sorts. There’s no room for crap, but there is plenty of room for friendly people with interesting ideas. Marshal’s day is the search for new technologies, new ideas, new relationships, and new things to curse happily about. So, participate. Cut bait. Steve Rubel