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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags debian & "linux debian"



live/ devel/ Edit | RecentChanges | History | Preferences | ?Discussion | live-manual About This is the documentation for Debian Live project. It provides a broad overview of the tools and philosophy of Debian Live, as well as providing details on how live systems may be built and customised by end users and developers.

Debian Live Project

Debian Live Project Live Debian systems! Live Manual This manual is under heavy construction. Please report errors, omissions, patches and suggestions to our mailinglist at and read about how to contribute to the manual.


Live CD oficial do Debian

“Estava brincando no Distrowatch quando dei de cara com a notícia: Debian Live! A primeira versão oficial de um live cd Debian, com tudo o que se espera de um bom Debian, e com instalador. O CD está disponível com 3 variantes de desktop: GNOME, KDE e Xfce.” Enviado por Marcelo Ulianov (marceloulianovΘgmail·com) - referência (


Infodrom Projects -- gui-apt-key

This package provides a graphical frontend to the apt-key program which is used to maintain digital keys for the Debian archive since etch. It is meant as a utility to help administrators not used to GnuPG and digital signatures. The program provides a means to fetch digital keys from a commonly used keyserver and add them to the internal keyring. A lot of complexity is hidden behind an easy to use interface. Please send comments, patches and good ideas to Joey Schulze.