February 2009
evserver - Google Code
EvServer is a lightweight http server, created especially to host python WSGI applications. Additionally, it supports little known Asynchronous WSGI extension, which was suggested by Christopher Stawarz. Using this extension it's possible to create an output html response in many data chunks, without blocking the main server process while your application waits for external resources.
Comet the WSGI way.
September 2008
simpledb-dev - Google Code
SimpleDB/dev provides a local SimpleDB server, so you can develop offline, without even currently having a SimpleDB account.
a nice usage of web.py
Extracting Data From Google Analytics Reports @ Irrational Exuberance
a simple Python script for parsing exported Google Analytics data.
evil evil evil
April 2008
Write Facebook apps using Google AppEngine -- Patrick Crosby
Python module to write FB apps on AppEngine
November 2007
django-evolution - Google Code
by 1 otherDjango Evolution is an extension to Django that allows you to track changes in your models over time, and to update the database to reflect those changes.