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PUBLIC MARKS from msandler with tags comcast & tumblr

25 September 2008 12:45 » Shaking Hands with an Empty Glove

Shaking Hand’s With An Empty Glove ! I have been reading with interest the Semantic Jazz being fed to the Public both By The Obama and McCain Camps ! The WWW is also splattered with Left and Right Wing Bloggers discussing Candidate Qualification,s ! I read and ! Two very different writing styles but excellent Wordsmith’s !

msandler's TAGS related to tag comcast

adagewordle +   detroit +   edelman +   freep + +   krumlr +   mahalo +   marketing +   micropersuasion +   NYT +   ogilvy +   rubel +   scriptingnews +   social network +   SocialMedia +   stumbleupon. +   Swissmiss +   tech +   tumblr +   twitter +   wordpress +   worldwide +   yahoo +