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Get PCLinuxOS » PCLinuxOS

Get PCLinuxOS PCLinuxOS is available featuring various desktop interfaces depending on your needs. KDE Desktop LXDE Desktop XFCE Desktop GNOME Zen Mini Desktop Enlightenment Desktop OpenBox Desktop Gnome Desktop


Dual boot de Windows 7 e Vista com Linux sem usar o GRUB

Dual boot de Windows 7 e Vista com Linux sem usar o GRUB Dicas do Guia do Hardware Um problema comum para quem tem dual boot com Windows e Linux é a configuração do gerenciador de boot, o GRUB. O gerenciador do Windows não permite inicializar um sistema Linux facilmente, e o Windows sempre sobrescreve a MBR quando é instalado. E o contrário também pode ocorrer algumas vezes. Com um HD só nunca tive problemas, mas atualmente com três (dois SATA e um IDE) nunca consegui configurar o GRUB corretamente, mesmo seguindo vários tutoriais e lendo atentamente as opções, revisando a ordem dos drives no BIOS, etc. Se esse é seu caso, ou se você tem medo das opções do GRUB, pode usar o aplicativo freeware Easy BCD.



sam hipsurfer

SAM Linux Desktop is a self-booting live CD containing a complete and modern desktop OS. You don´t have to install it on your harddisk to try it (but if you wish - you can), it runs completely from your cd drive and your RAM. Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! After more than half a year without a new SAM disk we are happy to give you a nice Xmas present: SAM 2008 "claw" release candiate 1. Here is the download: klick We wanted to release it as "final", but after such a long time and so much software updates we call it "rc1". We detected only some minor bugs, so there will be no big changes in the final release. What´s new: - SAM uses the newest XFce 4.4.2 as default desktop - SAM now supports around 60 languages out of the box - SAM comes with proprietary Ati and Nvidia drivers on the live cd, and compiz fusion pre-installed - many packages are updated to their newest versions available at the PCLinuxOS repos - OpenOffice was replaced by Gnome-Office (Abiword+Gnumeric) because of disc space limitations - SAM has a new start menu, a "hacked" menu from LinuxMint - the deskbar applet in combination with the tracker search tool gives you a powerful desktop search Note: if you have problems with non-starting SAM menu and deskbar-applet (after killing X or installing the 3rd party video drivers), run "restart XFce4-panel" from the "system" menu. Beside all this, the biggest change is unquestionable the introduction of our own package repositories, basically a slimmed down copy of the PCLinuxOS software source (thanx to Texstar for uncomplicated permission!), enhanced with some new built and some SAM-patched packages. This gives us the possibility to avoid conflicts with PCLOS releated software (i.e. theme packs) and also to make it a bit more easy for normal persons to "not destroy" their SAM desktop by installing the wrong programs (i.e. Nautilus, KDE stuff...). Advanced users who wanna have all the PCLinuxOS packages available still can use the PCLinuxOS software repositories, but wont get full support by our team (because WE use our own sources too). Again many thanks to Texstar and his team at PCLinuxOS and of course to MandrivaLinux for the great work and Server4You for the free server. Now let me come to an end, I wish you all the best and a happy new year, much fun with SAM - and don´t forget the feedback! Hafe fun, Nico


Linux Bible 2007 Edition: Boot up Ubuntu, Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE ... - Belfiglio.NET - by Ricardo Belfiglio

Linux is productive enough to use as your only desktop system and powerful enough to run entire corporate enterprise installations. Get the most out of Linux for your home, small business, or corporate computing needs with this comprehensive reference as your guide. Walk through 16 different Linux distributions, fi Software Map

by 2 others
AprendeClick is a Live CD, contains a collection of interactive and educational soft (most are games) thougth mainly for spanish speakers. Es un CD booteable, contiene software educativo en español, para aprender jugando.

Berry Linux

Berry Linux is a bootable CD Linux, automatic hardware detection. Berry Linux can be used as a Linux demo, educational CD, rescue system. It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk.

SAM Linux Desktop shows promise

SAM Linux Desktop, an Xfce-fronted distribution based on PCLinuxOS, aims to be a complete and modern desktop operating system. Though it has problems that need to be worked out before it will match the competition, it offers an easy install, a 3-D desktop environment, and a flurry of programs to suit your needs. The SAM install image is actually a live CD with the option to install. I was able to choose my Dvorak layout on boot by pressing F3, and SAM correctly set the layout for the system keyboard as well as the setting under X. Most distributions set one or the other, but rarely both. When SAM booted I ran the installer linked from the desktop. It was an easy, straightforward install with a few simple questions followed by about seven minutes of copying files on my Sempron 2800 with 512MB of memory. One of the things that impressed me about the installer, as small a thing as it may be, was the fact that the keyboard layout selection screen had Dvorak selected for me, reflecting my decision at boot. This is a logical consequence, but few installers take it into consideration. When I booted to my installed system and loaded the skinned Xfce desktop, I decided to run the Install Video Driver shortcut located on the desktop. While it required manual selection of my video card (an Nvidia GeForce 7300GS), the program automatically installed the driver for me and told me to restart X. I decided to try the Activate 3D shortcut next, enabling Compiz-Fusion with full effects. However, when I restarted X and logged in, I got an error that said "'SAM Linux Menu' could not be loaded," and the bottom left SAM menu did not work. There were also no 3-D effects. I tried running it again with xgl instead of native (though my card supports it). This time there was no error when I logged in, but the clock program on the desktop was not displayed, with a gray box covering the area it usually occupied. There were some 3-D effects, such as switching desktops, but it was unusably slow. PARTE ABAIXO DE ONDE VEIO ??? These applications comes with the SAM Linux Desktop 2007 LiveCD: Office Networking & Internet Multimedia - 2.2: * Word Processing * Spreadsheet * Database * Presentations * Web Design * Formula editor * Drawing - Abiword: Word Processing - Gnumeric: Spreadsheet - Dayplanner: Calendar - gLabels: Label Designer - Orage: Calendar - Mozilla Firefox: Web Browser - Opera: Web Browser - Browser-Plugins: Flash, Java, MozPlugger - Sylpheed Claws: E-Mail - Gaim: Multi-Messenger - Xchat: IRC Chat - gFtp: FTP-Client - Liferea: News-Reader - Skype: Internet-Telephonie - Gtk-Gnutella: File Sharing - Chestnut-Dialer: Modem-Connection - VNC: virtual Network Connection - Putty - PyNeighbourhood: Windows-Networks - Exaile: mp3-Player, Internet Radio - Mplayer: Multimedia-Player - gXine: Multimedia-Player - Xmms: mp3-Player - Grip: CD-Ripping - GnomeBaker: CD Burning - Streamtuner: Internet Radio - Realplayer: Multimedia-Player - TV Time: watching TV Graphics Games Accessories - Evince: pdf-Viewer - Gimp: Photo editing - FLPhoto: Photo editing,Viewer - GQview: Picture Viewer - GTKam: Digicam-Tool - Sodipodi: Vector Graphic - Xsane: Scanning - Enigma - FloboPuyo - Frozen Bubble - Gweled - IceBreaker - LBreakout 2 - LMarbles - PySol - Quadra - Supertux - Tower Toppler - Xskat - Gnome Commander: File manager - Mousepad: Notepad - Calculator - Xarchiver: Archiving - Alltray - Appfinder Security/Rescue System programs Other - Firewall - nmap - Gparted - partimage - Testdisk - My-Sys - rkhunter - redo-mbr - PCLinuxOS Control Center - Synaptic Software Manager - Terminal - Midnight Commander - Net Applet - GDM Login Window - Tilda - Gnome-Volume-Manager - Beryl 3d Desktop + Emerald - Wine Windows Emulator - Adesklets + Adesklets Manager - Bluefish Html-Editor


by 1 other
SAM Linux Desktop is a self-booting live CD containing a complete and modern desktop OS. You don´t have to install it on your harddisk to try it (but if you wish - you can), it runs completely from your cd drive and your RAM. Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! After more than half a year without a new SAM disk we are happy to give you a nice Xmas present: SAM 2008 "claw" release candiate 1. Here is the download: klick We wanted to release it as "final", but after such a long time and so much software updates we call it "rc1". We detected only some minor bugs, so there will be no big changes in the final release. What´s new: - SAM uses the newest XFce 4.4.2 as default desktop - SAM now supports around 60 languages out of the box - SAM comes with proprietary Ati and Nvidia drivers on the live cd, and compiz fusion pre-installed - many packages are updated to their newest versions available at the PCLinuxOS repos - OpenOffice was replaced by Gnome-Office (Abiword+Gnumeric) because of disc space limitations - SAM has a new start menu, a "hacked" menu from LinuxMint - the deskbar applet in combination with the tracker search tool gives you a powerful desktop search Note: if you have problems with non-starting SAM menu and deskbar-applet (after killing X or installing the 3rd party video drivers), run "restart XFce4-panel" from the "system" menu. Beside all this, the biggest change is unquestionable the introduction of our own package repositories, basically a slimmed down copy of the PCLinuxOS software source (thanx to Texstar for uncomplicated permission!), enhanced with some new built and some SAM-patched packages. This gives us the possibility to avoid conflicts with PCLOS releated software (i.e. theme packs) and also to make it a bit more easy for normal persons to "not destroy" their SAM desktop by installing the wrong programs (i.e. Nautilus, KDE stuff...). Advanced users who wanna have all the PCLinuxOS packages available still can use the PCLinuxOS software repositories, but wont get full support by our team (because WE use our own sources too). Again many thanks to Texstar and his team at PCLinuxOS and of course to MandrivaLinux for the great work and Server4You for the free server. Now let me come to an end, I wish you all the best and a happy new year, much fun with SAM - and don´t forget the feedback! Hafe fun, Nico

Win/FAT32 Fiesty

Windows with FAT32 Feisty Fawn Edited Tuesday, July 03 2007 This web-page is part of a larger site giving examples of how to install Windows Ubuntu Linux operating systems 'dual boot' in a computer. Illustrated Dual Boot HomePage This webpage is for the 'Ubuntu 'Feisty Fawn 7.04', 'alternate' installer. The released install CD called ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso, md5sum ff0cc7c9ed5157f0ff8c0f2213973f49 This install guide is for installing Ubuntu 'Feisty Fawn', dual boot with Windows XP Home Edition, Windows 98, or any other operating system with a FAT32 filesystem. The Windows operating system should be installed first, and then Ubuntu.

Illustrated Dual Boot Site

by 1 other (via)
Illustrated Dual Boot Site Home Page Edited Friday, July 13 2007 This website is about how to use the Ubuntu 'Alternate' Install CD, and also features all kinds of help with Linux bootloaders and dual booting. You NEED Linux in your computer so you can get email and use the internet safely. The internet is not safe for your existing operating system because it is incurably vulnerable to all kinds of evil pests and threats. Read this BBC News article, Google searches web's dark side. Solve the problem, install Linux today and keep your other OS for home use only, safely off the internet. You can switch to Linux later as you learn to use it and discover how much better it is.

Kalango Linux - Baixaki Download

O Kalango Linux é uma distribuição voltada para desktops baseada no kurumin/knoppix, mantém o mesmo sistema de detectação de hardware e instalação de pacotes. O kalango é repleto de programas, para se ter uma idéia com ele você poderá: navegar na internet, receber emails, digitar textos, elaborar e manipular planilhas eletrônicas, editar imagens, ouvir músicas. ver vídeos e muito mais. Tudo isso num ambiente muito agradável de usar/trabalhar, e o melhor de tudo é que o sistema roda inteiramente do CD bastando apenas gravar a imagem do CD (ou usar o um disquete de boot) que você baixarar, e configurar a BIOS para dar boot através do CD-ROM

eXPerience Linux - Baixaki Download

O eXPerience Linux foi criado no intuito de proporcionar a eXPeriência do Linux ao usuário leigo.Mesmo uma instalação simples do Linux pode demandar investimento em tempo e espaço no HD, sendo que você pode nem acabar gostando do Sistema Operacional. O eXPerience Linux opera do seguinte principio: • Um arquivo é criado no Drive do Windows que age como um HD Virtual e a distro customizada é instalada dentro desse arquivo.Uma Vez o eXPerience Linux iniciado uma versão do Linux é “bootada” tão facilmente quanto qualquer aplicativo do Windows , simplesmente abrindo a partir do Desktop.Assim você tem uma versão completa do Linux, que acredita que está rodando de uma partição dedicada. As vantagens desse formato são obvias.Primeiro você não precisa se preocupar com dividir ou reparticionar seu HD. Segundo, você não Precisa abandonar o Windows durante o processo de instalação ou usar discos de boot ou CD’s para instalar.Finalmente você não precisa nem mesmo deixar o ambiente Windows para entrar para entrar no Linux, já que tudo acontece dentro do SO da Microsoft. Só para muitos novatos, só essas razões são suficientes para investigar o eXPerience Linux.

GRATIS.COM.BR - Gr@tis - Software Shareware, Freeware e Adware - Downloads e Programas Grátis! Anti-vírus , Jogos, ICQ, Navegadores, AVG, ICQ, Kazaa, eMule, eDonkey, Winzip, Shareware, Freeware, Grátis, Free, Download

Descrição: Atendendo a pedidos! Chegou o Kurumin Games 1.2, um Linux criado a partir do Kurumin que traz mais de 100 jogos que rodam diretamente do CD, sem necessidade de instalação. Basta inserir o CD no drive e dar boot para que seja executado automaticamente. São jogos em 3D e 2D, Arcade, de Cartas, Emuladores, de Estratégia, Infantis, Puzzle e Tabuleiro, além de utilitários de configuração e vários outros aplicativos (editor de texto, planilha eletrônica, etc). Divirta-se! Observação: Requisitos mínimos: 128 MB de memória RAM ou mais para os jogos 3D, 64 MB para os demais jogos; 1.8 GB de espaço para instalação no HD (opcional); Placas de vídeo NVidia para os jogos 3D e placas com resolução mínima de 640x480 e 16 bits para os jogos 2D. Esse download está disponível em formato ISO, que é uma imagem de CD. A melhor forma de utilizá-lo é gravando o ISO em um CD. Caso você não possua gravador de CD ou não saiba como fazer pode solicitar a gravação do CD agora clicando no botão COMPRAR que aparece acima do lado direito. Você receberá o CD pelos correios pronto para uso.